Trouble times (2)

Nobody replied. She nodded and declared, "You are dismissed." Doyenne waved her hand and everyone bowed before they left. 

Once the dark hall was deserted, an old lady wearing a black hoodie gown, with a crooked stick, walked in from the side room where the smoke came out from earlier. 

"My Lady," she greeted. 

"Lady Sabrina, to what do I own this honorable visit?" 

"I saw a vision." 

"On what this time? My doom again?" 

"I saw the sisterhood falling under the wrath of a little boy. The witches were slayed by his stone sword and bullets. His hazel orbs held fury. He will stab you in the heart and watch your youthful skin disappear…"

"This again?!... And I thought the witches can't be killed?" 

"Everything has a weakness. But we were never told what our weakness was."

"Understand. But who the hell is that child? He needs to be found and killed immediately!" Doyenne raged.