The token

"First of all, Matt is not an object, but a human as stubborn as your husband. We both know he won't come. Secondly, I can no longer be cured. Even if Matt comes, he'd give me the same diagnosis I've received more times than I'm willing to remember. So, Mrs. Lu, what kind of business are you proposing and how does that benefit me?" 

"Woohoo! Clap, clap!" Jeslyn clapped while smiling. Then her smile slowly slipped off her face as she said, "Mrs. Hwang, You do know you owe me more than you've paid. It's quite unfortunate that your man died and I can see that you're deeply hurt by it. So can we say, you've paid for my Cousin's death?"

Jeslyn didn't wait for the woman to agree or disagree before she nodded. "Yes, we are even on that. But what my brother had gone through in your hands, you need to pay us too… And Pink's troubles after coming here."