A bitch till the end.

Brian stared dazedly at the image on the screen without knowing how much time had passed. His brain refused to get out of the trauma he was in. The young man looked to his right and then left. Now he understood why he had the best room with the best interiors in the house. He used to think that Nancy made his room this way to cage him, but now, he started to imagine how excited she was when this room was being designed. 

Brian stood up and rushed to Nancy's room, hoping she might still be there. The number of times he had come here could be counted with one hand–they were when he had grown to this age. Most of the time, the door would be locked. But this time, his trembling hand was able to open the door without effort. 

Entering the room, it has no life at all. The white walls and white furniture reminds him of a VIP ward in a hospital. His dazed eyes roamed the room for a moment before he trudged to her bed and slowly raised the screen.