Preparation for the party

*Not edited *

The man was flabbergasted for a long while without knowing what to say. If what his grandson says truly comes to pass, he'd be the happiest. For what Maverick did to his family last year, the old man is still recovering from it. The man had been surviving with the heavy load of hatred he has for Maverick and couldn't wait to see him and his brother ruined. 

"Hahahaha… Maverick, your time is finally here. Let's see how you skim your way through!" His grandson's plan was foolproof with a 99.9% success rate, so of course, he was very excited. 

Meanwhile, Jeslyn and Lolita went shopping for something they'd wear to the party. While the two were looking for beautiful shoes, Jeslyn mentioned. 

"Have you seen Reuben?" 

Lolita paused with a nude shoe in hand. "Has he returned?" 

"Hm, I saw him at the company. He said his contract has been terminated." 

"Did he tell you where he went?" 

"I didn't ask."