Those next few days, after it had stopped snowing and we were waiting for the roads to clear, well… as a gentleman, all I will say is that they were nice. Dorothy and I had finally come out of our shells, expressing our feelings for one another. We rarely came out of the bedroom. As a result, Dorothy had to grab her stuff from her bedroom and shower to have nearby. And they just sort of remained in my bedroom. Then she moved into my bedroom permanently by the time the street crews cleared the snow. Not that I didn't mind.
Perhaps the weather had a way of taming people. I expected to get a few calls, but aside from minor disputes, nothing major came up. Though, now that we were sharing the same bedroom, getting ready for work could be a distracting affair for the both of us. Norman had begun scheduling meetings with clients with enough time in between getting ready and meeting the client, for extracurricular activities. Yet, it seems when once we left the bedroom or living room and went to the office, our professionalism would take over, minus a few personal quips here and there.
Dastun and Angel had resumed exploring the tunnels in addition to scouting the building locations after the snow had been cleared. However, since the break-in of the scrappers, the remaining locations had posted security, which resulted in being extra cautious exploring the remaining locations or sometimes canceling the stakeout altogether. So, they began re-observing previous locations, seeing if they missed something, but it was pointless. We all agreed our answers were in the deep underground. Angel tried using her knowledge of the subway system and tunnels she used while spying for the Union. However, her shortcuts, hidey-holes, and various paths into the underground had either changed or no longer existed. Norman's man still had not come through with any maps to use either.
Dorothy suggested using the Prairie Dog to transport us into deeper areas of the subway, and then fanning out up to certain distance before turning around. And if trouble were to find us, Big O would be with us and not too far away. It was a good idea, but to go that deep into the tunnels with just the two of us, even with Big O, was still too dangerous without enough people. Who am I kidding? Those subway tunnels held secrets from forty years and every so often would come out and run amuck on the city. Poking around without a decent plan and the right people would just lead to disaster. Dastun and Angel wanted to go, but their jobs kept them busy, so finding a time to synchronize without alerting anyone in the government proved to be a difficult task. For the time being, we waited as that was all we could do.
New Year's Eve came, and I put all of my casework aside for now. I know Dorothy and I will be busy again after the first of the year. Something deep down told me to enjoy this time with her now as the time we had been spending with one another was probably going to become fleeting, at best.
Roger was finishing getting dressed in his suit. He decided to go black-on-black for the color scheme. Black sport blazer, black shirt, black suspenders, black pants. He was admiring himself when Dorothy came out of the shower wearing a red hem lace pleated dress with a belted red sash around the waist and black nylon panty hose. She looked him over.
"Would you like a side of black to go with your black?" she asked.
"What? I think it looks good."
"Roger, your sense of fashion color has never been your strongest quality."
Roger's eyes narrowed as she walked over and turned around for him.
"Could you zip me up? The zipper is lower than I expected."
Roger raised an eyebrow as he observed the partially obscured lingerie she was wearing.
Lacey and black, huh? And she's criticizing my color choice. But the detail looks nice. I wonder what she has planned…
"Roger, Earth to Roger…"
"Sorry, sorry…"
He zipped up her dress.
"You look nice by the way," he said smiling, "And apparently, I'm dressing right because… well… this afternoon you were eager to take everything off."
Dorothy gave him a coy smile. "I see. At least your all-black palette will make me look good."
He raised an eyebrow and shook his head. She went over to the closet, looking for her shoes.
"Tell me, did I move my shoes over here?"
"Which ones?"
"The dress pumps."
"Uh… I haven't seen those actually. All I've seen are your work shoes."
He leaned against the wall, looking over her into his closet, now being shared with some of her clothing.
"Yeah, I'm not seeing them. Might be in your room."
"Ooo… I thought I had grabbed everything."
"Relax, we got time. Want me to help?"
"No, if they're not here, I know where they are at."
Dorothy moved over to the dresser where she finished dressing herself up. Roger had made room for some of her belongings, so she didn't have to run back and forth to her room. She put on a spritz of perfume under her neck and her wrist, before adjusting her red headband and finishing up her hair. She touched her neck where she had sprayed the perfume, making sure it was dry before putting on her pearl set Roger had given her on Heaven's Day.
"You're staring dear."
Roger coughed. "No, I'm not," he said defensively.
"Tell that to the mirror."
Roger held up a hand in defeat. "Forgive me, you do look beautiful. I'm just admiring the view."
"You sound like you're admiring a piece of art. I'm going to look for my shoes now."
Dorothy walked out, giving him her classic sardonic smile of hers before heading to her room. Roger shook his head before slipping into his shoes and walking out of his bedroom. Norman was waiting with their coats and Dorothy's purse.
"Miss Dorothy seems happy," Norman commented.
"Yeah, she does. I hope it lasts," replied Roger.
"Come now, Master Roger. You can't make lemonade without lemons. It's how you appreciate the good times. But I feel you and Miss Dorothy are strong enough to weather anything."
Roger nodded. "I appreciate the kind words. Do you have any plans tonight?"
"Maintenance on Dorothy's car and Big O, sir."
"Really? Working on New Year's Eve? Come, join us!"
"I would be the third wheel, sir. Plus, I don't mind. I have Big O to keep me company. And who knows, you may need him on New Year's Eve."
"Yeah, tell me about it. Would be my luck, right?" Three months had passed, and Big O had not been summoned yet.
"Think positive, Master Roger. I doubt you will need him, if we are to take recent observations into account, but he will be ready for you if you do need to summon him. Ah, Miss Dorothy. I see you have found your shoes?"
Dorothy came trotting into the living room from the hallway, lifting her right heel up to adjust her shoe.
"It seems I forgot to move them over with everything else."
"It happens to the best of us, dear. Are you two all set?"
Roger took his coat and handed Dorothy her purse and coat as well. "I think we are?"
Roger turned to look at Dorothy and she nodded.
"Shall I wait for your return?" Norman asked as he followed them to lift.
"We might be late, so once you're done for the night, don't worry about us. And, if you do get done with your maintenance work, my invitation still stands to come see us at Instro's place."
"I appreciate the offer, sir," said Norman, with a slight bow, "But I will decline this time."
They stepped into the lift, Norman shutting it, and went down to the hangar.
A little while later, Roger pulled up to the Amadeus Pub, parking the Griffon. The roads had been cleared for the most part, but side roads by the mansion and by Instro's pub had been ignored for the large part. Roger and Dorothy both stepped out, Roger arming the car, and escorting Dorothy down to the entrance of the pub carefully as there was snow on the steps.
Entering the pub, they heard a rendition of Mozart, a sonata in its allegro form. R. Instro was at the piano. Roger took Dorothy's coat and hung it up for her. He returned to put his arm around her waist and pull her close, Dorothy giving him a warm smile. The pub had some people, but not many. To her, this was the perfect place to celebrate the New Year.
"Want anything to drink?" he asked her.
"Not right now. Maybe later?"
He nodded. As he went to the bar to place his order, he saw Dastun quietly enjoying a drink with Angel. Roger turned to Dorothy and nodded his head in their direction.
Angel was sitting with Dastun enjoying an orange screwdriver while Dastun was sipping his bourbon. They hadn't noticed Roger and Dorothy yet. Dorothy walked over.
"Hello Dan. Hello Angel."
Dastun choked on his bourbon, surprised by Dorothy. Angel laughed.
"Hello Dorothy," she said, "Never knew someone could get the drop on Dan." She patted his back as Dastun coughed. Roger came over with his drink, a whiskey on the rocks, chuckling, leaning into Dorothy's ear.
"I used to do that all the time if he beat me here. Good job," he whispered. Dorothy playfully punched Roger in the arm, who shrugged it off.
"Dastun. Angel. Having a good night so far?" Roger asked.
Dastun finally cleared his airway. "You taught her that, didn't you?"
"I didn't teach her anything. It's just a coincidence that she got you like I used to."
"One of these days, I'm gonna choke and die because of your shenanigans, Roger Smith."
"Happy New Year to you too, then. No need to get hostile."
Roger put his arm around Dorothy's waist. Dastun looked him over.
"So… you're finally going out with Dorothy then. About time."
Roger scowled. "Very funny. I see you're going out with Angel."
Dastun fumbled his words, turning pink, then took a quick drink.
"That's none of your business."
"I could say the same with Dorothy and me, but yes, for an FYI, we are. What of it?" Roger sat the chair next to Dastun.
"All I ask if you'll let me enjoy my drink and every time…"
"Shall we give the married couple their space?" asked Angel to Dorothy and Dorothy nodded.
"Here in a moment. What's that you're having?"
"An orange screwdriver."
"Thank you."
Dorothy walked right in between the men arguing with one another, catching them off guard.
"Bar keep, may I have an orange screwdriver on the rocks? Light on the liquor please and put it on this man's tab." She pointed at Roger, who looked dumbfounded. The bar tender nodded and prepared her drink as requested. He slid the drink to her.
"Thank you."
Dorothy walked away, not turning around to look at Dastun or Roger who were confused by her sudden entrance and departure.
"If you two are going to behave like that, why don't you go find a room or one of the cars? Let us know when you're done," Dorothy said sarcastically, raising her hand to wave at them, not looking at them.
Angel lost it, laughing so hard she felt tears come to her eyes. Roger and Dastun looked embarrassed and turned away from one another angrily. Angel followed Dorothy to a nearby table where they sat down.
"I swear, I can't take Roger anywhere."
"Dan's the same way. He won't admit it to Roger that we've been going out for a bit. Too stubborn, but he's a softy in private. I have to ask, what was that last bit, with the car?"
"Oh that? Roger and Dan used to do stake outs together, according to Roger."
"That explains so much. You have no idea. Does Roger like lukewarm coffee?"
"It depends on the brew. If it's particularly strong, he rather have it not steaming hot as it changes the flavor, so he says."
Angel shook her head, taking a drink.
"So, how have things been Dorothy?"
Dorothy looked up toward the ceiling, thinking. "Well… interesting, to say the least."
"So, you and Roger are official now?"
Dorothy nodded. "Indeed, we are." She sipped her drink, watching the pub around her.
Angel smiled, now watching the two men get up and go over to the pool table, apparently wishing to settle the score like gentlemen.
"I guess… I never gave you an official apology, for my outburst that day."
"What? What outburst? When?" Angel was confused, then it dawned on her that Dorothy was talking about the meeting back in September.
"When you asked me to be friends a while ago, I didn't know how to take it. I was still angry and bitter. I'll admit some part of me wishes I had a choice in the matter, but now… well… it seems like we're both keys being used by someone else, and I understand you needed to make a choice. Thank you… for saving me from that fate. Since I've been human, I have discovered a lot of things that I love and cherish. I don't know if I would've made those connections as android, but as a human, I'm glad I have them, in part thanks to you. Now, I guess it's nice to connect to people in a way I can understand, well sometimes. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is, now that I'm a part of Roger's firm, I'm also working on your case as well. I hope I can help you just become more than a memory, and be a fully-fledged human being."
Angel set her drink down, her eyes trembling. Dorothy looked down to find Angel wiping her eyes and she looked away quickly to give Angel her moment.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I feel like… I feel like I could've done more that day. But it was just such an informational overload and trying to deal with it all… I'm surprised I'm doing so well as president. I figured there would've been a rebellion by now, but…"
Dorothy reached out to grab Angel's hand.
"You're trying and that's the important part. But now, you have me, Roger, Dan… we will help you get through this. I have… faith, faith that things will work out."
While Angel and Dorothy were talking, Dastun noticed them while waiting to take his shot.
"Mm? A little busy at the moment." Roger was taking his shot.
"You need to see this. Take a look at the table, in the corner."
Roger sighed and looked past the cue ball and saw Angel and Dorothy in the corner. He rose from his position and took a drink.
"I never thought that would happen, not in this lifetime."
Dastun smirked, taking another drink. "I was expecting a cat fight… but I think a genuine friendship is actually forming.
Roger leaned on top of his cue stick, distracted by the women. "Dorothy wasn't sure about being friends with Angel. Even I wasn't sure myself. But, when you look at it, their situations are very similar, minus a one or two details. In Dorothy's case, she's now a human being again and Angel is still trying to solve the mystery related to her power, hoping to become human."
Dastun nodded. "Either way, it's probably for the best. There are things we can't understand, no matter how hard we try. The simple fact is we're guys, and there are only things they can talk about with other women. The more complex fact is that one has the power to unlock change or end the world, the other had the ability to unlock the potential of megadeuses. So, I guess in that instance, they're both keys. Keys on someone's key chain, and we don't know who they are or what they want with them."
Roger felt Dastun's words hit him hard. They were very true, there was no denying that. He looked at Dorothy. "I told Dorothy something similar when she asked me about being friends with Angel."
Dastun took a long drink before resigning himself to mention his next comment.
"Angel still has feelings for you. Well, a few months ago perhaps. I think she's trying to forget about you, with me."
"You feeling used?"
Dastun shook his head. "If I am, I am. At this point, it's just nice to have someone to talk to in this messed up world. If she sticks around, she sticks around, and if she don't… well, what was it you said that one time? Oh yeah, alcohol will be my mistress for while."
"What are you going to do if she decides to stick around?"
"Well… I haven't got that far. Like I said, I think she still has feelings for you and well… it's slightly off-putting. There's also the fact that she's the Madam President, and she's been doing a lot of good. I don't want to come between that."
"You need to make your move, Dastun."
"What? No, it's still your turn to shoot."
"Not the game, with her. You might as well put your cards on the table. Something tells me this uneasy peace we have is about to go away. Enjoy things while you can. See where things go with her."
"I'll make my move when I make my move. Worry about yourself, Roger," Dastun shot back.
Roger smirked, taking a drink, pausing to look at the women. "You ever get the feeling that you're looking at something important right now, but can't put your finger on why it's important?"
"Like now? I feel like we are watching the two most powerful ladies in the corner, and we're just along for the ride, not knowing where it will go or stop."
Roger had no comment and sipped his drink. A pat on the back made him turn around and Instro was behind him.
"Roger Smith, glad you could come. Chief Dastun, a pleasure."
"Thank you for having us, Instro," said Roger, shaking his hand. Dastun put his cue stick on the table and shook Instro's hand as well.
In the corner, Angel saw the men talking to R. Instro.
"I think they kissed and made up," said Angel.
Dorothy smirked.
"About time."
They rose from the table to go meet them.
"Ah, Miss Dorothy. A pleasure as always."
Dorothy leaned in and gave Instro a kiss on each side of his face. "Thank you for helping with the play. It means a lot."
"It was my pleasure and I hope there's one next year. So, would you like a chance at the piano tonight?"
"Oh me… well… I hadn't prepared for anything."
Roger nudged her. "You can always play that favorite tune of yours."
"And ruin the serene atmosphere? I'll save that for at home."
Roger sighed while everyone else laughed.
"Actually, Instro, there was one thing I wanted to ask you…"
Dorothy took Instro's arm and walked away with him out of earshot. The three them watched for a moment.
"So, did you kiss and make up?" asked Angel, looking at the men.
"We did," said Dastun, "Turns out Roger still can't play pool worth a damn."
Roger shook his head and saw Dorothy pat Instro's arm and walk backed to Roger. Instro went over to the piano and began playing another piece.
"You wanna dance?" she asked him.
"Love to. I need to get away from Dastun."
Roger led her away while Angel looked at them. She sighed. There was no denying it now. She had no chance with Roger. However, she may have a chance with someone else.
"Would you… like to… um, dance?" asked Dastun. Angel turned away from looking at Roger and Dorothy.
"Oh, me? Um….I'm not that good, actually."
"Neither am I. I'm actually not good at this sort of thing." He rubbed his bald head nervously.
"So, we're great with the political dancing, but not at actual dancing? I find that comical." Angel laughed.
Dastun chuckled and offered his hand and Angel accepted.
The couples counted down the time to midnight with dancing, conversation, occasional teasing, and drinking. Roger and Dastun found themselves out of their element when they challenged Dorothy and Angel to a game of pool, until Angel teased the men that they were holding back because their opponents were men. This prompted a response from Dastun, stating that he was treating everyone fairly and just happened to be off his game, and Roger just gave the pair a coy smile, saying nothing. As midnight got closer, some of the patrons left the pub until only a handful remained, including Roger, Dorothy, Dastun, and Angel. Dorothy excused herself, saying she needed to go to the ladies' room.
"Don't be long. Instro's about ready to play."
Dorothy kissed Roger on the cheek. "I won't."
And she ran off in the direction of the ladies' room. Dastun and Angel got their drinks ready while Roger placed an order for two champagnes, coming back to the pair.
"Where's Dorothy?" asked Angel.
"In the ladies' room," Roger replied.
"It's almost time, though. She better hurry."
The clock's minute hand now moved just before the 12 on the face. Roger looked at his watch, counting the seconds.
Come on, Dorothy.
10 seconds passed, then 20, now 30. Instro began playing the intro of Auld Lang Syne at 15 seconds. Then everyone began counting down and Roger felt a warm arm slip around his waist. He turned to see Dorothy, warmly smiling at him. Roger beamed and handed her a glass of champagne.
"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2…!"
"1," Roger and Dorothy whispered to one another.
While everyone else yelled Happy New Year at the top of their lungs, Roger and Dorothy embraced, kissing each other, tasting their drinks from the night. They broke away, Dorothy giggling, Roger giving a gentle smirk. They took a sip of champagne, Dorothy handing him back her glass to hold, confusing Roger for a moment. Dorothy went to the piano where Instro was, then broke out in song, singing Auld Lang Syne.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
And days of auld lang syne?
Roger had only heard Dorothy sing once and that was when she was still an android. Since being human, he heard her hum occasionally, but now he understood why Dr. Wayneright did everything in his power to recreate her. He came close to the sound of her voice, but Dorothy, as a human, her singing was amazing. She was better than any nightingale.
For auld lang syne, my dear
For auld lang syne
We'll take a cup o' kindness yet
For days of auld lang syne
Angel, Dastun, and the other patrons began joining in at the end of the chorus, toasting one another, and wishing each other a Happy New Year. Roger raised his glass towards them and nodded. They acknowledge the gesture in return. Roger moved his way over to Dorothy.
We twa hae run about the braes
And pu'd the gowans fine
But we've wander'd mony a weary fit
Sin days of auld lang syne
Now Roger joined Dorothy singing the verse with her. Dorothy was shocked, never pegging Roger as a man to sing. But he was singing with her now. He set their glasses on the piano, and took her into his arms, singing the remaining verses she had told Instro to play.
And we twa hae paidl'd I' the burn
Frae morning sun 'til dine
But seas between us braid hae roar'd
Sin days of auld lang syne
For auld lang syne, my dear
For auld lang syne
We'll take a cup o' kindness yet
For days of auld lang syne
The patrons in the pub clapped and cheered their performance. Roger kissed Dorothy once more before handing her champagne glass back to her. They toasted one another and took a sip of their champagne. However, the alcohol was starting to hit Dorothy a bit, who had yet to build a tolerance to it. While not drunk, Roger could tell she was feeling the effects.
"You okay? I'm surprised you went for a screwdriver."
"I'll be fine. No more after this though."
"Agreed. Best get some water into you."
Dastun and Angel watched them from afar.
"It seems like they have completely forgotten about us," said Angel with a small smile, "Come on, Dan. Let's go home."
"Eh? Who's home?"
Angel raised an eyebrow. "Was that an invitation?"
Dastun fumbled his words again before mumbling very quietly with a small smile, "Maybe."
Angel laughed. "Come on, let's go."
Dastun paid for their tab and left with Angel. Roger saw them leave, nodding at Dastun. He got Dorothy over to the bar and asked the bar keep for a glass of ice water. Dorothy gratefully drank it, the feeling of warmth in her stomach and head lessening somewhat.
"Thanks Roger."
"I'm impressed you handle the vodka well. If you're gonna go for the hard stuff, even when it's light, you need to build up a tolerance gradually. Otherwise, you can get sick."
"Too many nights of drinking alone, Roger?"
"Too many nights of drinking alone, with Dastun, with random strangers… I've had practice, let's put it that way. You'll get there in time."
Roger saw she was flushed in the face. The patrons began paying for their tabs and leaving for the night while Instro began to close down the pub.
"Instro, could I ask a favor?" asked Roger.
"Yes, what is it?"
"It seems the alcohol is getting to Dorothy. I'll pay now, but could I take her to the roof to get some air?"
"Of course. If she needs anything, please let me know and I would be more than happy to assist."
Roger nodded his thanks and paid his tab. While the bar keep rang up his card, he went over and got their coats, putting Dorothy's over her shoulders and putting on his. Dorothy was starting to fall asleep.
"Come on. Let's go upstairs. Some fresh air will do you good and it'll be colder on the roof."
Roger led Dorothy, who was half-asleep up the flights of stairs to the roof of the establishment. After fiddling with the door, he got it opened. It was snowing again, and Paradigm City was lit up in all of its glory with its hues of yellow, pink, lavender, and baby blue domes glowing in the night, among the buildings outside the domes. It was a metropolitan forest glowing underneath the cloudy sky. Roger got Dorothy over to a raised platform, clearing the snow for the both of them, and sat her down. He sat down next to her and let the cold air and snow do the rest, humming Auld Lang Syne.
The cool air and snow did their job perfectly. About few minutes had passed and Dorothy began to stir, feeling the cold. She perked up for a moment and then realized Roger was next to her, settling down.
"Thank you… for this. I'm starting to feel better. I think was starting to get nauseous a bit."
"Vodka will do that. It sits heavy on the stomach. How are you feeling now?"
"A little tired, but I could still dance, sing… unless you're asking about something else."
Roger's face, red from the cold, turned darker. "Well, I did see what you were wearing earlier."
Dorothy raised an eyebrow. "I see…"
"Well, you asked me to zip up your dress, so it was hard not to…"
Dorothy laughed. "If you behave like a gentleman, maybe. Just maybe."
"Maybe is better than a no."
Dorothy smirked. She stood up and walked over to admire Paradigm City. Roger joined her, standing next to her.
"Happy New Year, Roger."
"Happy New Year, Dorothy."
"Did you make a wish for New Year's?"
"I did, wishing for the same like I always do. What about you?"
"I made a wish too. Hopefully, it will come true."
The wind picked up briefly, swirling the snow around them before settling down.
"We have so much work to do ahead of us. With Angel's case…" Dorothy trailed, realizing the volume of work that lay ahead of them.
Roger raised an eyebrow.
"I know. And, it'll be tough and might even get difficult. But if words aren't enough, we have each other and Big O to rely on."
His hand slipped into hers, squeezing it. She returned the squeeze and turned her head to face Roger.
"Roger, can you promise me something?"
Roger turned to face her. "Mm?"
"Promise… Promise me, that no matter what happens, you'll have faith in yourself. No matter how hard things get or when it looks all lost, believe in yourself and trust who you are. You're a negotiator, the top one in Paradigm City, and you're my friend and friend to Big O. I believe you know who you are deep down, and I'll be there for you, if you ever need help to remind you. I know we'll save Angel and Paradigm City from this cruel curse because… I believe in you."
He raised an eyebrow. "Just friends?"
Dorothy shook her head. "Is that all you got from what I told you? No… we're more than that now. I guess we're boyfriend and girlfriend now… what am I trying to say? I like that we were friends first before we became a couple. You mean a lot to me."
Roger closed his eyes and smiled. "I feel the same. And you mean a lot to me too."
Their silhouettes stood out among the colors of the domes. With the snow falling around them, they stood close to one another, welcoming the New Year on top of the roof. They knew the year would be long and hard, but they also knew they could withstand whatever was thrown at them. Squeezing each other's hands, they looked up at the snow falling from the sky, and if they could have read each other's minds, they would've seen they wished for the same thing.
"I wish to see the sun rise again."
They remained a little longer, watching the view. The uncertainty that laid ahead of them was long, twisted, and dark. However, their determination that supported them, their strength that guided them, and their love they felt for one another, even though neither had admitted it to each other yet, would be enough to direct them on the right path and solve the mystery around Angel's power and Paradigm City itself.
They turned and kissed one another, the lights of the domes being the only bystanders watching them, before turning and heading back down inside the pub. They said their goodbyes to Instro, before heading home for the night to continue with their own New Year celebrations.