
[St. Ottery Catchpole, July 8, 1987]

"Ahhhh-haaaa" I stretch my hands while yawning.

"That's a good sleep," I uttered while scratching my eyes.

"When did I get he-"

Right...I passed out. What happened to me... It's like I became so tired at that time. Am I sick? There's definitely something wrong with me. Stuttering and not passing out randomly?

"I didn't get to eat my cake, I hope they left me a piece."

I stood up and fixed my bed. I took my toothbrush and headed to the bathing place.

'Looks like I will need to see Doctor Bern again.'


I heard a person shout behind me, I turned around only to see Sister Lily, looking worried.

"Oh, Sister Lily. Good morning."

I said in a sluggish manner, I'm still wasted, and I don't know why.

"What do you mean good morning, you need to lie down, Doctor Bern will come here this afternoon, you need to rest."

Sister Lily stated as she walked near me and patted my body to check for any complications.

"Does your head hurt?"

"No...I'm just tired." I said while blinking my heavy eyelids.

"Tired? You've been asleep for 14hrs, how can you be tired?" she said, scrunching her face.

"Come, you'll need to stay in your bed for today, the cakes have already been eaten by the others, I'll make it up to you later, okay?" Sister Lily said as she picked me up and carried me to my room.

Once we entered it, she placed me back in my bed and tucked me into a comfortable position.

"Rest first, okay? I'll bring a cup of fresh milk here, mwah."

"Hmm." I hummed with a nod.

Once she was out, I thought of what happened to me yesterday. It felt different, actually. It's like my body was sucked dry by something that I can't quite describe. That feeling though was exhilarating.

"I didn't even finish my wish...is that the way God is telling me that I will not be good at math...not letting me wish for it?"

I sigh at my thoughts, math really is a hard subject for me, it's like the number gets jumbled when I look at the problems and equations that my teachers give me. I understand the workings of it, which is why I don't know why in bloody hell I can't answer it.

'Sorry...God' I thought while closing my eyes and slapping my mouth weakly.

Father Ortis said that it's bad to curse...

The door opened, revealing Sister Lily holding a cup of hot milk. She gave it to me carefully, afraid of being poured on. I sip a little and breathe comfortably.

"Much better now?"

"Yes...Sister, can I ask when Doctor Bern is coming? I wanna ask him again about cells." I asked her while pulling her sleeve.

"He will be here in an hour, Moses. Father Orsi already went to his clinic."

"Hmm..." I hummed in acknowledgment.

"How about you busy yourself here first, hmm? I need to take care of your baby siblings" Sister said, as she took my empty cup and took her leave.

"Busy myself....hmmm...Oh! I didn't finish my book yesterday about organs, I just got on the interesting part there...where is it." I looked at my surroundings and found the book on the most upper shelf.

"Why did they put it on the upper shelf..."

I stood up, picked up my chair, and placed it near the book. I used it as a stepping stone, however, it's still too high for me by a few inches.

I jumped a few times to reach for it, but my ankle tripped when the book was already on my hold, causing me to fall.

"AHH!" I exclaimed as I closed my eyes from fear of being injured

'I don't want to fall!' I thought in distress only to be confused when nothing happened.

I opened one of my eyes and took a peek, only to see myself floating just above the wooden floor.

"What th- AHPP!"

I dropped to the ground, creating a small thump. I slowly stood up, a look of shock written on my face.

"How...I have powers!"

I exclaimed in delight, and a joyful and innocent smile appeared on my face as I ran around my room.

"This is so wicked! I'm gonna do it again!" I said as I closed my eyes and thought of doing it again.

"How will I do it again?" I questioned myself as I tilted my head in daze.

"I floated earlier not because I wanted to, but because I was scared to fall. Is it instinctual..." I look down at the ground with a thoughtful expression while holding my chin.

"Let me try to fall again, but this time, just before I fall, I will think that I'm floating."

I went to my bed and tested my jumping first. Then I went over the edge. I look at the ground and close my eyes as I jump.

'{𝓘 𝔀𝓪𝓷𝓽 𝓽𝓸 𝓯𝓵𝔂! }' I thought to myself as I jumped off the bed, only to never go back down again. I took a peek, and just like before, I opened my eyes to see myself floating freely like I was in space.

"I'm flying! I'm Peter Pan!!" I shouted in glee as I tried to maneuver myself, I flew and flew to anywhere I wanted inside my room for 2 whole minutes when suddenly, I felt myself slowly descending.

"Hmm, what's happening?" I thought, confused about why I'm descending even though I don't want to. I focused my attention on my body's condition and found out that something was being drained within me as I was levitating. I closed my eyes and concentrated on where that imaginary energy came from, and I saw myself in a dark void.

I looked around the void and saw a ball shining dimly in the middle of it like a sun. The small ball of dim light was being sapped by the black void surrounding it. I was only able to get out of the black void when I felt my feet touch the ground. My body went limp, causing me to drop to the ground, devoid of any energy.

"What's....happening..." I muttered while blinking my heavy eyelids as the darkness swallowed my vision, not before hearing some shouting.

"Moses? Moses! Doctor Bern! Hel-"


[St. Ottery Catchpole, July 8th, 1991]

4 years had passed since my life-changing day happened. Not many had happened to the orphanage this past few years, well, except of course to me. Over the past few years my daily course in a day is to eat, read, practice my ability, read and sleep.

Right now I'm on my reading routine. After reading some science stuff in the morning, I mostly read vocabulary and grammar in the evening. Intent and words can greatly help me in visualizing my powers for it to be effective.

In these 4 years I've come to know what my ability can really do. I've practiced every bit of it the best that I can and even found some of its weaknesses.

I've named my special ability as "The Commandments". I know it's unoriginal but I think it's the best suited to me...after all I'm Moses, get it? Anyways, what it can basically do is...everything.

Everything that I command, the reality itself will obey me, pretty powerful, no?

In fact my ability is also the reason I don't stutter anymore, after all, my wish for not stuttering anymore is the reason my ability got triggered.

Unfortunately, I can't have everything. My so-called powerful ability has 2 weaknesses. One is that I can only make a command for over 3 times, if the rule were to break then the first command that I created will be null.

The second weakness is a little complicated actually, the second weakness is that every command that I created will need something in return which is the energy in my void plane.

The more absurd my command is, the more energy will be needed to initiate it. But, as long as I don't manipulate the realities of this world, the amount of energy that I will need is manageable.

The good news is that my first weakness can be improved over time, the first year I had my abilities, I was only able to make 1 commandment, but this year I now can command 3 times. I've theorized that the bigger the light ball in my void plane is, the more commandments I will be able to make.

My physical appearance has also changed in the past few years. My height now was over 4ft 10.7in, weighing over 75 lbs. With golden blonde hair and my cute baby fat gone, I'm confident to say that I've become strikingly handsome.

And no. I've not become a narcissist...maybe a little, what would you expect? If an average person has my otherworldly powers that can change the reality itself albeit limitedly, it is bound for them to be arrogant or narcissistic, maybe some will have a god complex.

The only thing that keeps me humble and human is my family. Sister Lily, Father Orsi, the kids. They're the ones who keep me in reality. Power can corrupt. That's why I must exercise myself to never go past my moral line...or no one will be able to stop me.

A sound of hoot appeared beside my window. It's evening right now and I'm currently inside my room reading a dictionary to widen my vocabulary when suddenly, a sound of hoot appears beside my window.

"Hoot, Hoot"

I looked towards it and saw an owl with steaks of black and white feathers. With its beak is a letter, stamped with red wax.

"How odd."

I stood up and went near the owl. I petted its head a little causing it to hoot eagerly.

"Oh, you like that haha, now let me see what's on your beak? Hmm?"

I took the letter carefully and checked the wax seal.

'A lion, snake, badger, and a raven. How curious.'

I opened the letter carefully and took the letter inside it.

"Hoot, hoot!"

The owl hooted while moving his wings a little ready to fly.

"Oh, you're leaving already? Goodbye, Mr. Owl!" I said as I waved my hand for a goodbye.

"Let's see," I muttered as I turned the letter and saw the orphanage's address written on the back.

[Mr. Moses]

[The Bedroom in the Attic]

[St. Ottery Catchpole]

[St Catchpole's Orphanage]

I opened the letter to check its contents.

[Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore (Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Moses,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall Deputy Headmistress]
