
[St. Ottery Catchpole, July 9th, 1991]

"Ho-wh-you" I uttered in a daze expression still shocked at Luna's revelation.

We are walking near her home, her hands grabbing mine, and dragging me. Once we are in front of the door of the house that reads,

[The Quibbler]

[Editor: X- Lovegood]

Luna grabbed the door handle and opened it.

"You're not mad, y'know. I am a witch too..." Luna muttered in a dreamy voice while staring into my eyes.

"Daddy!" Luna shouted as the sound of footsteps reverberated near the stairs going up

"Yes, dear?" An eccentric-looking man walked down the stair while looking at a piece of parchment with a magnification glass. After looking at the paper, he looked up and stared at us looking surprised at a new visitor.

"Hello there...Luna? Care to introduce us?" He said while gesturing to Luna.

"Hmm...Daddy, he's the one that I'm talking to you about. Moses. Moses? Meet my dad, Xenophilius Lovegood." Luna introduced us.

"The muggle boy? Luna, we've already talked about this!" The man said in a tired tone, slightly irritated at his daughter.

"He's a wizard daddy. The Hogwarts letter arrived to him last night. Look..." Luna uttered as she handed my letter to Xenophilius. He received it and looked at its contents.

"Hmmm...looks like you're indeed a wizard boy...welcome to the wizarding world I guess?" He uttered with an unsure tone.

"What does being a wizard really mean, sir?"

Do I have my abilities because I'm a wizard? If it is then all the things that I can do are explainable.

"A wizard and a witch is a person capable of harnessing magical power. They can do many things, Mr. Moses, impossible things by a muggle's standard but possible by a wizard's standard." Xenophilius explained while checking something from his book shelf.

"Here..." Mr. Lovegood said muttered as he handed me a book.

"A History of Magic." I read the title of the book and opened it.

"Luna said that you liked to read, maybe you can understand it better if you read it" Mr. Lovegood added with a smile.

"Well...I'll be upstairs if you need something, Luna, take care of your guess." He said as he walked upstairs disappearing from our view.

Luna and I stared at each other in awkward silence for a few seconds until she raised her hands in an adorable way and smiled in an awkward smile and she muttered.




After reading some parts of the books, I've come to find out that what I can do and what a wizard can do is very much the same. Messing reality. I mean these lads literally mess with anything that they can think of, and all of it is illogical according to the laws of normality just like mine. There are only 2 differences that I was able to hypothesize by reading this book

One is that the way that they do spells is a little different from my commandment, because mine's English, and theirs was Latin. Second is that they are using will and intent to do magic? Check. Changing the laws of reality using magic? Check. Needing a wand or any magical focus for that matter? A big NO.

'Looks like I finally have a name for the energy that is inside me...magical energy.' I pondered to myself.

" you have a wand?" I asked Luna who's right beside me while reading a book in an upside-down manner.

"Hmm? Daddy said that I can't yet. He said that I will only have my wand once I go to Hogwarts." Luna answered in her usual dreamy voice.

"Do you need a wand in doing magic," I asked while reading the book.

"No...but it will be easy to do magic if you have one," Luna replied.

"Hmm..." I hummed in an understanding tone.

After reading and understanding the gist of the books, I looked at the clock and found out that the sun was already ready to set, signifying the arrival of the evening.

"I need to go now Luna, you don't need to walk me home, I still remember the way we took to get here." I said to Luna as I stood up and carried the book.

"Do you think I can keep this though?" I asked her to which she nodded.

"Hmm, I don't think daddy would mind," Luna said as she also stood up and stared at me.

"Okay, good bye Luna, tell Mr. Lovegood goodbye for me!" I exclaimed as I opened the door while waving at her.

Walking through the grass fields with the orange sunset illuminating me, I look at the book in my hand.

'They're still different from me.' I thought in a complicative expression.

They can do what I can but they need knowledge for a spell to work, vast knowledge that they need to acquire through years and years of practice. If I can change a stone into gold by a mere utter, for them, they need a special stone to do it. That's how big of a difference they are from me.

{ℑ 𝔠𝔞𝔫 𝔱𝔢𝔩𝔢𝔭𝔬𝔯𝔱.} I uttered as my body vanished into thin air as it disappeared from where I was before only to appear up in the sky with the vast existence of clouds that were dyed orange by the light of the sunset.

I thought the so called wizards would finally solve the mystery of my abilities but reality hit me harder than I thought. I'm alone.

"Throughout the Heavens and Earth, I alone am the honoured one..." A perfect quote to someone such as myself.

{I̷̹͑ a̵̛̦m̸̼̏ a̵̛̦ n̸̦̈́o̸̙͛r̴͍̓m̸̼̏a̵̛̦l̷̙̓ h̷͓̔u̸̳̐m̸̼̏a̵̛̦n̸̦̈́} A strange tone of voice came out of my mouth.


That's what happens when my command is impossible to perform. It gets jumbled into a crazy mess language. Well I just tried it if something happened but if it indeed happened then I'm dead from a fall with an elevation of this high.

"HAHAHAHA!" I laughed loudly to my heart's content. What am I doing. So what if I'm different, isn't that better!

"What's wrong with an easy and cheat life anyways?" I uttered with a satisfied smile.

"It'll be a little boring but at least I can do whatever I want! Except irrational decisions like taking control of the world of course...too much responsibility..."

I closed my eyes and teleported back to my room. Once the familiar room entered my view, I looked at my bed and lay down. A sigh escape my mouth as I thought of the decision that I'll make tomorrow...I'll tell Sister Lily and Father Orsi that a wizard.


[St. Ottery Catchpole, July 10th, 1991]

In a wooden room with different cross and religious objects, three people are having a stare down.

"Moses, what's wrong? For you to call me and Father for a meeting..." Sister Lily asked with a confused tone.

"She's right Moses, you can tell us anything son," Father Orsi added.

"Nothing is wrong Father, Sister. It's just that...I need to tell you something." I started in a nervous tone.

Both of them looked at me with a questioning look, waiting for my next sentence.

"Well...Father you know about the fairy tales about Wizards and witches right?"

"Your question's odd, but...yeah I know about those, why?" Father said.

"Well...the truth is...I'm a wi-"

My sentence were cut off however by a childish sound outside the door

"Sister! Father! Some old grandpa is looking for Big Brother Moses! he said it's about a school!"

The three of us look at each other's eyes, confused about the situation. We decided to come down and meet this supposed 'old man' and once we saw him, we were a little baffled by his appearance.

A tall, wrinkly old man wearing a half-moon spectacled glasses appeared in our view. He was wearing a very odd outfit. A long tunic with long sleeves, a matching hat, shoes, and some rings as accessories that look like they were made centuries ago.

"Good day my friend Orsi, Little Lily," The old man greeted with a grandfatherly smile.

"Albus? My friend! What are you doing here?" Father Orsi said, surprised by the visitor.

"It's nice to meet you again Sir Albus." Sister Lily greeted back with a bow.

"Well...I've come to fetch someone for their school supplies I believe. Minerva was supposed to come for him, but call me surprised when Moses's letters address was in your orphanage. I thought, how about I come visit my old friend, just like old times, well, here I am." The old man uttered in a reminiscing smile.

"Moses's letter? What do you mean? Moses is a wizard!?" Father Orsi exclaimed in surprise as he turned around to face me.

I met his look and scratched my head while smiling sheepishly.

"I was gonna tell it to you, but this grandpa suddenly came, so....hehe" I muttered.

"Oh my! My little Moses is a wizard!" Sister Lily exclaimed in delight as she collided her cheeks with mine tickling me.

"Stop it Sister, hahaha,"

Sister Lily stopped what she was doing allowing me to breathe for air.

"How about we go to my office, Lily dear, can you prepare a sour tea for Albus here." Father Orsi said as he gestured us towards his office.

"Oh, and please add 5 cubes of sugar dear, I'd appreciate it." Mr. Albus added as Sister Lily took her leave leaving me with two old men walking towards the office.


"It's nice to meet you child, I am Albus Dumbledore, you can call me Headmaster Dumbledore or just headmaster. I'm sure that if you've already read the letter that our owl gave you, you would recognize my name." Mr. Dumbledore said while sipping the sour tea that Sister Lily gave him leaving me in a thoughtful expression.

"If you mean, the name who holds many titles, then yes sir, I believe I've read of you." I said to him with my back so straight you'd think I'm a soldier. I don't know what I'm doing but I have this odd feeling that I need to respect this man or something, I don't know if it's just because his old or something else.

"Hahaha, you're right, I do indeed have many titles, but those things are worth nothing to someone as old as me."

"So Albus, is Moses really a wizard?" Father Orsi asked for clarification.

"Yes, my friend. Moses is a wizard, Rowena's artifact has already listed him as a student for next year." Mr Dumbledore clarified.

"I see..." Father muttered with a thoughtful expression.

"I've always suspected you to be special Moses, but being a wizard has never crossed my mind, you've not made any accidental magic when you were a child so for you to be a wizard is a surprise for me." Father Orsi uttered while looking at me with a gentle smile.

"If you already know about the wizarding world, father, then does that mean you already knew that Luna is a witch too?" I asked while squinting my eyes.

"Luna?" Mr. Dumbledore asked,

"Ahh yes, the Lovegoods. Yes, Moses I do know about her, that's why when you brought her here I was surprised." Father said with a thoughtful expression.

"Luna Lovegood...I believe she will start her year at Hogwarts, next to you, young Moses. If nothing unexpected happens." Mr. Dumbledore added,

"Then I believe there's no need for us to do more here, right, young Moses? How about we shop for your supplies this school year?" Mr. Dumbledore started as he stood up.

"Wait...Mr. Dumbledore...can I ask you for something?" I questioned him as I stood up.

"Pray tell, young Moses?" He said,

"Can you show me some magic?" I asked with expectation.

"I see...hahaha, as you wish young Moses," He said in an elated tone as he took something from his pouch. A long wooden stick with an odd form, a wand. I looked at it curiously and watched him as he swished it on the stack of papers. The once stack of papers flew and transformed itself into colorful butterflies that flew everywhere around the room.

I watched everything happen in amazement with only one thought running in my innocent mind.

'Looks like this life will not be so boring after all." I thought with a hopeful expression.


" better return my papers or I'll stick your wand up your ass."

"Ah...Apologies, my friend..."
