Gringotts, pets, and wands.

(A/N: Didn't update lately, busy at school, and to top it off, I'm not feeling well, I'm sick...bruh... This chapter will be a bit cringe for some, for others it will be not. The only thing that I can promise you is that I will keep the cringe level to the minimum. Have a good read lads. Oh! Btw, have y'all watched Wednesday? It's lit, I recommend to watch it. Oh, and dibs for

[Diagon Alley, Gringotts Bank, July 10th, 1991]

We entered the building and saw more goblins in there which caused my emotions to slightly stir.

'What's wrong with me...' I thought while squinting my eyes.

"Best to stay close to me, Mr. Moses. Goblins are not known for their good personalities." Prof. McGonagall said as she grabbed my arm, dragging me. Once we arrived near the counter.

"Teller Bardok." She uttered prompting the goblin that was writing look down at us.

"Hogwarts' Finance?" She asked the goblin. The goblin looked at us for a few seconds before uttering,


"Professor, come to think of it, do I need to pay to study at Hogwarts?" I asked her, while we arrived at another counter.

"Well, yes. But most muggle people who don't have an ability to pay for their school fees, we have a student loan for them that they will need to pay once they're in the legal age, in fact you're having one now." She explained while receiving a pouch from the goblin. She took an unfamiliar coins inside it and showed it to me.

"The gold coins are Galleons, while the bronze coins are Knuts, and the silver coins are Sickles, There are 29 Knuts in one Sickle, and 17 Sickles make up a Galleon, a Galleon is equivalent to 5 pounds, got it?" Prof. McGonagall explained while handing me the three coins.

"Hmm." I hummed with a nod.

"We're done here, time for your supplies...Florish and Blotts." She uttered seemingly in thought as we made our way out of Gringgots.


A few hours had passed since we started our shopping spree, Prof. McGonaggall and I managed to buy most of the supplies from different stores including the robes that will be delivered to me by owl. Now there are only two things left that we need to buy to complete my school supplies. The first one is my pet and the last one is my wand.

Entering inside a store named The Magical Menagerie, what I saw was the most interesting place so far that I've discovered since coming here.

Different animals...rather magical animals are surrounding the place, contrast to what the goblins made me feel, these animals felt incredibly pure. I'm more at ease here and I feel so fresh and free.

I looked at the different species of animals and saw them doing their own animal...things.

"Can I look around?" I turned around and asked Prof. McGonagall.

"Help yourself," She said with a nod.

I look around the shop eyeing different animals hoping to find the right one for me. After a few seconds, I notice something, in the farthest and darkest part of the store, a purple colored set of eyes, looking at me curiously.

I met its eyes and we both stared at each other. My deep-green eyes staring at its glowing purplish eyes creating a contrast similar to the day and night.

{Erebus.}" I uttered with my command tone causing me to be surprised and confused.

Choosing to ignore what just happened for the meantime, I look back to where the purple eyes are situated only to be surprised at the occurrence happening before me.

A dark shadowy tornado appeared before me, and inside it is a glowing purple light. All sounds vanished and all lights were sucked by it for over a 5 meter radius just enough for the other animals to not be affected.

A few seconds later the dark shadowy tornado disappeared, revealing a dark feathered crow. It flew towards me, landing its feet on my left shoulder.

"Kraa! Kraa!" He cawed while his right purple eye looked at me.

"Hello, bud. A great show you made there, let's have fun shall we?" I muttered while stroking below his beak, petting him.

"Finish with your affairs I assume, Mr. Moses?" Professor McGonagall's questioning tone appeared behind me.

"Yes, Professor." I answered with a satisfactory tone. As I turned around to face her.

"...A crow? I don't think that will be accepted, Mr. Moses...." Prof. McGonagall said in an unsure tone.

"What? Why Professor?" I asked in a dejected tone.

"Well...the letter said that you can only bring three types of pet, Mr. Moses. Cat, owl and a toad..." She said while looking at me in pity.

" there anyway Erebus can be accepted, Professor? I think he can deliver letters too, so why not?" I said trying to make a good excuse.

"That's..., Rest assured, Mr. Moses, I'll talk to the Headmaster about this, I'm sure if anyone can allow you to bring Erebus, it will be him." Prof. McGonagall said with a defeated smile.

"Come now, we still need to find you a wand. I hope this will not take a lot of time," She added as she went to the counter and gave the payment. Prof. McGonagall went outside, finished in our pet affairs. I followed her with a joyful expression with my new partner, Erebus on my shoulder, moving his head up and down seemingly dancing while cawing softly, as if celebrating our encounter.

Back at the store however, the clerk at the counter was confounded at what he just saw.

"I didn't know Madam Bartha was selling a crow in her shop..." The clerk said in a confused tone.



After passing a few buildings we arrived in front a small windowed shop with a sign on top of it that says.


[Makers of Fine Wands since 383 B.C]

"382 B.C...speaking of B.C, Professor McGonagall, can I ask what is the wizarding world's take on religion?" I questioned her while tilting my head.

"Well, we've already come to terms with your kinds' religion young Moses, in fact, some of the notable figures in your Bible have been believed to be wizards and witches, though there was no evidence still to support it." She answered,

"I see..." I uttered while I pondered in thought.

"Let's go in now," She mumbled as she grabbed the door handle and opened the door of the wand store.

We went inside to see no one in our vicinity. I look around curiously at the rectangular boxes that I believed to be where the wands are situated. There were hundreds if not thousands of them, after searching around for a bit, I turned around to face Prof. McGonagall only to be jolted in surprise by an old man with a hair resembling that of a famed scientist that I've read in a book, he was looking at me rather curiously and he was a little creepy for my liking.

"Hahaha, apologies, apologies, I'm Garrick Olivander, owner of the shop. First year at Hogwarts I suppose?"

After composing myself, I replied with a forced smile.

"Yes, sir..."

"Good day Mr. Ollivander. Meet Mr. Moses, a new freshman of hogwarts for this year."

"I see, I see, good day to you too, Professor McGonagall. Come, boy!" He exclaimed in a gleeful tone, as he went to get something from his drawer.

"Dominant Hand, Mr. Moses?" He asked me as he readied his measuring tool.

"Uhmm...both?" I answered unsure, well I can command my body to be ambidextrous, so there's that.

"Fascinating, then let me..." He uttered while measuring both lengths of my arms.

After a few seconds, he finished measuring my hand, he went to the back of his store for a few seconds and took a rectangular box.

"Try this, 13 inch, Laurel with a Phoenix feather, stiff and rigid." He said as he handed me the wand.

I grabbed the said wand and when I took a hold of turned into dust.


"...Is that normal or what?" I questioned while squinting my eyes.

"Curious...very curious."

"That's the first time that I have seen that happen." Professor McGonagall added.

"...Let's try another one." Mr. Ollivander went to the back again and a few seconds later, he brought another rectangular box.

"How about this one, 12 inch, Poplar with a Dragon heartstring, kinda flexible." He uttered as he gave the wand to me.

I grabbed the wand carefully afraid to turn it into dust. A sigh of relief escaped from my lips when the wand didn't turn into dust. I look at Mr. Ollivander expectantly.

"Well? Give it a wave." He said to me with a smile.

I looked at my wand and gave it a wave like he told me to, only to be surprised because the wand, once again was reduced to ashes.

"Looks like we've got ourselves a wand killer, Professor McGonagall." Mr. Ollivander uttered with a sheepish smile.

"Hehe..." A bashful laugh escaped from me as I looked at Prof. McGonagall's blank poker face.