September 1st

[St. Ottery Catchpole, September 1st, 1991]

At the entrance of St. Catchpole's Orphanage. A group of people, mostly children, a nun, and a priest are situated at the entrance, all of them with sad faces. In front of them is a golden blonde-haired boy, with a striking visage. Standing at 4ft 10.7in, Moses's previous baby fat had lessened over the years creating a handsome and striking look of a young man.

"So, you need to go now huh...Moses my son!" Father Orsi uttered in a sad tone as he bawled his eyes out with tears.

"Don't leave m-" He continued as he dashed towards Moses for a hug, only for Moses to deny it by raising his hand and making a stop sign.

"Father, I've already told you that I will come back, there's no need to be so dramatic," Moses said in a worn-out tone while holding his forehead.

"And besides I will visit all of you here at Christmas...maybe" Moses added as he avoided Father Orsi's look.

"What do you mean maybe~, Sniff*, sniff*, you better spend your Christmas here, all right?" He uttered in a hopeful tone.

"Father Orsi, there's no need to be hard on Moses, Okay? He will come back here, do you want our little Moses to be angry at you for being so clingy?" Sister Lily interrupted while looking at Father Orsi with a stern look.

A few sounds of giggling appeared from behind making Moses a little red in embarrassment.

"But-but-but...Fine..." Father Orsi uttered in a defeated tone while slouching.

"Brother Moses! Please don't leave us! We will give you our potatoes every morning, so please don't leave us!" A little child ran towards Moses with little tears in his eyes.

"Yeah! Please Brother Moses don't leave us!" The other children added,

Moses picked him up and wiped his eyes of tears and looked at the child resolutely.

"I'm sorry Little Noah, but I need to go, okay? Your Brother Moses needs to study." He consoled the child named Noah.

"How about this, everyone. When I comes back, I'll give you all a gift huh? How does that sound?" He said with an excited tone while looking at others. The children, hearing what Moses said, made an instant change of mood when they heard the word 'gift'.

"Goodbye Brother Moses, take care!" They shouted with gleeful expressions while waving at Moses goodbye, their previous sad expression was replaced by happy and excited faces.

Mrs. Weasley went behind Moses and whispered something to him.

"Dear, I'm afraid we have to go now,"

"I see...I'm sorry for the trouble Mrs. Weasley," Moses apologized with a remorseful look while looking at Mrs. Weasley.

"Ah, it's fine dear, carry on now" She comforted as she gestured to Moses to continue his affairs.

"Everyone, I'll need to go now or we will miss the train. I'll miss you, Father...Sister Lily." Moses announced his departure as he gave a last tight hug to Father Orsi who was still sobbing and Sister Lily whose face contained a smile but her eyes told another.

"Goodbye Brother Moses!", "Take care of yourself, Little Moses!", "Goodbye!", "Write a letter to us okay?!", Make sure to eat plenty of potatoes Brother Moses!"

Different sources of voice bid Moses goodbye as Moses departed with a sad look in his eyes, sad that for the first time in his life, he would be away from his family for a long period of time.

"Goodbye, everyone!" Moses shouted with a wave of his hand as he departed away from his family's view.

Once Moses was gone. The previous expression of the children was changed little by little as they all simultaneously cried.


"Sigh~." Both Sister Lily and Father Orsi sighed, as they gazed at where Moses disappeared.

"Sister Lily, how about we take the kids inside now? Looks like they will be exhausted after this." Father Orsi said with a defeated smile while looking at Sister Lily.

"Of course Father," She replied with a bow as she guided the children to come inside the orphanage, leaving Father Orsi alone at the entrance.

His gaze was shifted again to where Moses once was, and with a tranquil look, he muttered under his voice.

"Looks like you will have a busy year, Little Moses. The same year that the Boy Who Lived will emerge from his confines...I wonder what path you will take."

With those words, Father Orsi turned around and opened the wooden door, and entered his home. As the door closed, it created a thud that started a mechanism that triggered the orange lines of scribbles embedded into its crevices to suddenly appear only for it to disappear as quickly as it came.


[King's Cross Station, September 1st, 1991]

After my dinner with the Weasleys, I've become a regular guest of their house from time to time. Learning about the customs of the magical world is a little harder than I thought. It's not because they're advanced, it's because they're a little outdated—scratch that, they are more outdated than I thought.

I mean they haven't even made any long distance communication yet besides delivering a letter through the use of owls, except in America that is. At least in America the wizards there have made a lot of innovation in technomagic, a branch of magic that enabled magical energy to be integrated in technology. They can only send binaries and code right now through the use of Magiphone—their very first technomagic invention.

When I've heard of that, I wondered why my energy hasn't affected anything technological yet, but if you think about it, I guess I'm just really built that different. Anyways, regarding the technomagic research, the Americans still aren't done yet, but they predicted that within the next 5 years, long distance communication through the used of magic will be a possibility and there's a huge chance that the wizard kind's advancement on it will give the wizard kind a boost to get ahead the No-maj's used of technology.

Enough of the boring stuff, after bidding farewell to Father Orsi, Sister Lily and the others, me and the Weasley family have made our way through the King's Cross Station, another gateway to the wizarding world that Headmaster Dumbledore talked about.

We were walking through the busy station when I heard something that picked my curiosity.

"Nine and three-quarters? Think you're being funny, do ya?" A station guard said in a rude tone while looking down on a boy, just an inch below my height. He has a scrawny physique that his oversized shirt can't hide and he is carrying a stroller with a different bag and big suitcase on it, however, the most noticeable thing on it is a caged pure-white owl.

'A wizard...possibly a muggle-born.' I thought while observing the said boy.

"It's the same every year packed with muggles, of course. Come on!" Mrs. Weasley complained.

"Platform nine and three-quarters, this way" She continued with haste.

As we made our way through the middle of the platforms nine and 10, I once again felt the gel-like feeling that passed through my body signifying that a magical barrier has been placed that we just passed through. However, unlike the Weasley's and Lovegood's magical barrier, this one has a more natural feel in it and is somehow, more powerful.

{I can see magic.} With my whispered command, ghastly little blue balls of light appeared on my view and with it is the invisible magical barrier that surrounded us. The barrier is scribbled with a language that I can't quite understand yet.

{I know every languages.} With my new command, every scribbled text became readable to me and along with it, I came to know what kind of language they are.

'True Concealment, Silencing, Manaless repell.'

'Sanskrit' I thought, interested at the language that I just discovered.

'And those incantations, it's even more than the cloth that covered my wand.' I pondered in thought while looking at the series text around me.

The cloth with the strange symbols that covered my wand last time is a different symbol that I didn't know at that time because the command that I made was, 'I can read any language'. It's some sort of language translator. But with my new command now, which is, 'I know every languages'. Not only will I understand the language that I want to know, I will also know some of it's background including where it came from, what language it is, info like that.

Anyways, after commanding myself in knowing every language, I've come to know that the language that was covering the cloth is 'Nordic Language'. And with that discovery I've come to hypothesize that using a specific language in runes and magic can affect its quality and effeciency.

While I'm preoccupied with the magical barrier and runes that I'm seeing, Percy, George and Fred have already entered the gateway through the platform nine and three-quarters, of course not before Fred and George made a last little joke for their mother.

"Do you want to go next? Moses, dear? It will be just easy, just dash your way through and you will be on the other side before you know it." Mrs. Wealey said to me while gesturing for me to come beside her. I took a step and almost made my way to her when suddenly, a voice of a boy appeared behind us.


"Excuse me!" The boy exclaimed as he made his way to Mrs. Weasley.

"Could you tell me how to..." He muttered with audible shyness in his voice.

"How to get onto the platform? Not to worry dear. It's Ron and Moses's first time to Hogwarts as well." Mrs. Weasley said while the boy only nodded nervously.

"All you've gotta do is walk straight at the wall between platforms nine and ten." Mrs. Weasley explained while pointing at the said wall.

"Best to do it at a bit of a run if the two of you are nervous." Mrs. Wealey added.

"Goodluck, Moses, too." Ginny expressed while looking at Moses encouragingly and nodded a little to the boy.

"Thank you, Ginny." Moses expresses his thanks with a charming smile while looking at Ginny innocently making Ginny's cheeks to have a noticeable blush to which Moses just's quite cold after all, it's only normal to have a reddened cheeks in a chill weather

"Oh! And take care of Luna for me, you know how clumsy and dreamy she is, bye!" Moses exclaimed as he dashed his way through the gateway and in the process of it, he again felt another gel-like substance passed through his body.

(A/N: I've got so many chapters right now and I know some of you will be shocked in the coming chapters. I'm not sure if I'm doing the right thing but hell with that, this is only just a fanfic. Oh! And please review my work and give me powerstones! Any constructive criticism is fine.)