Forbidden Forest: Decision of the Fool

[Hogwarts, Somewhere in the Forbidden Forest, May 26th, 1992]

"I hope this works..." Moses uttered as he looked toward Wednesday and Eyolf. He nodded his head to them, telling them that he was ready. And with those last acts, he activated his command—

{I command the time within this barrier TO REWIND!}

Then everything stopped. Inside the barrier that Moses created, an unknown force stopped the droplets of rain from falling from the sky. The streaks of lightning that hit the ground stopped in place, unable to go back, and then like a symphony, everything inside the barrier moved in a reverse motion. The silvery drops of blood from the unicorns started to levitate; the same could be said for the red drops of blood from the wolf. The damaged trees connected themselves, and the droplets from the sky went to the sky, completely becoming the membrane of the barrier.

"What is...he...doing," Wednesday uttered while looking at Moses in a daze,

Moses, who was standing in the middle of this phenomenon, gritted his teeth. A small drop of blood came out of his nose, and the ambient energy in his body ran amok.

Outside of the barrier, a silvery glow of magical energy penetrated inside the barrier. The silvery energy slowly but surely entered deep inside the fallen unicorns, entering deep into their wounds. The blood of unicorns and wolves that were all over the place was no more; instead, a beautiful greenery revealed itself.

"AAGGK!" Moses grunted as his knee fell from the ground; his complexion is like that of a bloodless corpse. On his skin, a few indigo veins were visible.

"!!!" Wednesday exclaimed nonverbally. She took a step towards the barrier, but before he could take another, Eyolf, the white wolf, dashed towards her, stopping her with a growl that unfortunately, she couldn't understand.

"Don't stand in my way; he's clearly dying from all of this," said Wednesday with a scowl, a hint of urgency hidden in her voice.

Eyolf only replied with a shake of his head, making Wednesday's scowl deepen.

Unknown to them, the silvery glow that was entering deep inside the unicorns before, changed their trajectory towards Moses. The silvery energy gathered around Moses, encircling his depraved form, then entered deep within his bloodstream, revitalizing him in the process. A look of awareness appeared in Moses' eyes as he closed them again and forcefully strengthened his command, causing everything inside the barrier to reverse back much faster.

One by one, the wolves' and unicorns' deep wounds were healed, and one by one, the deceased unicorns and wolves were revived; then everything stopped and the true workings of time continued. The weather disturbance has calmed down, making the skies much clearer and allowing the moonlight to pass through the creatures of the night.

Moses gasped for breath; his knees gave out, causing him to kneel on the ground. As his knees hit the ground, the spherical barrier constructs that he had created vanished into thin air, and similar to a balloon that had been popped, the water droplets covering the barrier all returned to fall to the ground.

"Moses!" Wednesday exclaimed as she rushed towards where Moses was.

Moses, on his knees, was looking up at the sky; his eyes had completely darkened with dark smoke coming out of them. After a few seconds, before Wednesday could see his eyes' oddity, his back fell, but before it could hit the ground, Wednesday caught him just in time.

The perfectly healed unicorns and wolves surrounded Moses. As the moonlight brightened every crevice in their area, the unicorns and wolves both simultaneously bowed their heads to him, creating a beautiful piece of scenery. Moses' depraved form gave him a pale and lifeless complexion, some others may even rule him as a dead person right now, but fortunately, one person with a similar complexion was by his side, completely negating that notion.

"...What are you...?" Wednesday muttered under her breath while looking at Moses' death-like visage, with a hint of unsolved mystery in her eyes. She was curious, and her curiosity is not her strong suit.



An unknown realm that only consists of a bar...? And one bartender. The place had no strange or bizarre sightings, but, when an eleven-year-old golden blonde-haired boy suddenly appeared inside the bar with a burst of golden strands of energy, the normalcy of the place immediately vanished into nothingness.

"Did something to upset the balance of the universe again, Little Moses?" The bartender said while making a white liquid similar to milk and pouring it into a cup of glass.

"Yeah, Uncle Jack. Please don't make me drink your milk again, it tastes like medicine, y'know?" Moses whined, as he sat on the stool by the counter, looking at the milk-like liquid in front of him.

"It is medicine, brat, if you hadn't done that, then you wouldn't be here!" The bartender, named Uncle Jack, scolded Moses as he made another cup.

"What's that? I thought it was supposed to be only one?" Moses inquired with terror in his voice.

"Hehe, only one? You did something serious this time, brat. You need some more milk!" Jack barked to which Moses just stared weirdly,

'This old man is really weird...'


"....Right, you don't know about memes..." Jack muttered to himself, a little embarrassed by his immature action. Moses continued to drink the 'milk' inside the glasses, but the milk in the glasses seemed to not move or lessen at all.

"Uncle Jack, why is this not decreasing?~" Moses whined with a scowl on his face.

"Just drink it so you can get out of my bar, kid, you have three more, remember?" Jack, the bartender, scolded him while cleaning some of his tools with a towel. Mose continued drinking his milk with a pout. Unbeknownst to him, while he was drinking, black strands of ghastly energy were also being extinguished from his back.

"Can't you at least make it more flavorful?~" Moses said this as he sipped his drink.

"No can do, its magic will disappear if I do so." Jack said as he sat opposite of Moses and leaned towards him and continued,

"It's been what? 3 years, right? Since you've come here?" Jack asked,

"Yeah...slurp*...when I revived a bird...slurp*" Moses answered in between his drinking, he's trying to end his stay here much faster. As far as he knows, bars are not a place for a young kid such as himself, even if it only serves him milk or medicine.

"I've already told you not to use your powers foolishly, right? You're still weak, but you have potential! Your potential could make beings much more powerful than you could ever have imagined existing to be jealous and make use of you..." Jack said with a hint of urgency in his voice, his thoughts complicated.

"I know Uncle Jack, but I need to let some of it out in order to know what my true limits are and eventually surpass them! Hypothesis and application are two different things, Uncle, and I know that you know it." Moses explained, a little annoyed by the man's scolding.

"Sigh... Just — don't do any more idiotic things for the meantime, the thing that you're drinking had a limit—" Jack rambles on,


"—in the future, it will hold close to no little effect on you. Once that time comes," and on,


"—you'll know what my warning is all about, and your life will completely turn into shit. I just hope you have become much more mature by that time..." and on,


"...Hey...? You're not listening to me, are you? Sigh~" He ended his sentence with a deep sigh while holding his forehead.

"Done — next one, plea — sorry, were you saying something, Uncle Jack?" Moses inquired innocently while holding his hand out, asking for more milk.

"...Nothing, kid. Here —" Jack replied, worn-out by the kid in front of him.


"Now that you've finished, just like before. You can ask me any questions you want to know, but I will only answer three of them; for the others, you will need to find the answers on your own. If I denied answering your question, then it does not count." He uttered them while looking at Moses's eyes.

"What's my real name...?" asked Moses while creating a pen and a piece of paper out of thin air.


"Tsk. What are you?"


"...What am I?"


Moses thought for a few minutes, trying to think of a good question,

"Where did my power come from?"

"...Your power is the result of the combination of two ancient forces of primordial energies... Though what you have now is only the weakest version of it. That's all I have to say for the time being."

"I see..." Moses mumbled while writing what Jack said to him, after writing it, he continued his questioning.

"Sigh~...Why are my powers limited? I've found out some of its capabilities, and the commands that were supposed to work can't work?" Moses said with a shrug.

"The answer's simple, and that's because you are still weak."

"...Understandable, the only problem is, how strong do I need to be? So far, the only people I have met are... not exactly up to my powers, I can literally revive the dead without consequence except being here with you." Moses said while rubbing his forehead wearily.


"Wha — Right... I just asked a question, anyway, how many questions do I have left?"

"...You have one question left."

"...Where's Luna Lovegood's mother?"


"What? Where's tha —"

"Bye-bye, and be mature fast! Or your Uncle Jack will be disappointed!~"


"Remember, the way to Limbo is a very complex maze that consists of the past, present, and'll only be able to enter it when there is no time, Little Moses."

"...See you whenever, Uncle Jack." Moses bid his farewell while looking at the man before him with a solemn look.

"Good luck... Little Moses..."

[If you are well versed in the comics, then you should know who Uncle Jack is by now, well, maybe some of you that are not well verse in the comics know him so there's that... anyways, once again, please give me some stones and everything will be alright...;)[]

[]You can read 4-7 advance chapters on my p@treon[]

[]FYI, the first volume of this fanfic just ended on my p@treon, just wanna share, lol. Love y'all![]