Forbidden Forest: Mistakes

[Hogwarts, Somewhere in the Forbidden Forest, May 27th, 1992]

Quirrell had been busy. That's what he thought after months of planting bomb seeds in every magical crevice of the Leaky Cauldron, Ministry of Magic, and Platform Nine and Three-Quarters in order to please his master, Lord Voldemort.

After planting them and giving Hagrid the egg, his Lord Voldemort knew—more like predicted for sure that Harry and his band of pests would come to Hagrid's hut exactly at the time when it would be detrimental for them. With a little imperio on the two useless professors, Lord Voldemort could attack Potter and one of Death's children at the same time, while he bid his time figuring out Dumbledore's enchantment of the Mirror of Erised—which he did.

"Only one who wanted to find the stone but not use it would be able to get it... HAHAHAHA!" Once Quirrel understood Dumbledore's enchantment, he laughed madly in glee.

"Dumbledore, you FOOL!" He yelled in delight as he continued,

"I'm not here to use the stone! I'm here to find it! Lord Voldemort will be the one to use it, which means I can take out the stone from the mirror, just as easily as taking candy from a muggle!" Quirrell shouted in glee as he stood in front of the mirror. It was currently covered, and he was too cautious to activate Dumbledore's enchantment.

With a little flick of his hand, the cloth covering the mirror levitated away, allowing Quirrel to see his reflection in the mirror.

Looking at his reflection, he was astounded and at the same time creeped out by what he was seeing—it was him but not him at the same time. He was looking at his reflection curiously when suddenly his reflection's eyes moved to his pocket, it was smiling rather mischievously.

However, before he could comprehend his reflection's intentions, he suddenly felt a little bit of weight in his once-empty pocket. Taking out what was inside, he saw the stone that he wished to obtain in the palm of his sweaty hands. He smiles madly while looking at the glowing red stone when he suddenly feels the cold air penetrate his skin.

The surrounding fire disappeared with a strong gale of icy wind, making the room much darker and bluish in hue due to the coldness of the surroundings. Quirrell was already in a panic,

'Is it a defense enchantment?!' he thought in fright as he turned back and ran towards the stairs, but, before he could continue, a sound of calm footsteps reverberated throughout the entire chamber, causing him to stop in his tracks.

Quirrell raised his head to see who was an intruder, and when he saw it, he smiled in relief,

"'s you..." He said while panting,

"Quick, we must give this to Lord Voldemort and complete the ritual!" He said in haste as he took a step upward, but, before he could take another step, his foot was suddenly stuck in place by a frozen piece of ice, causing him to widen his eyes in shock.

"What is the meaning of this?! Are you betraying Lord Voldemort?! If he heard about this, your sis—" Quirrel shouted madly while looking at the figure before him. But before he could finish his speech, his mouth was immediately frozen shut.

"MMHH!! MHHH!" Quirrell whimpered in anger,

"Don't you dare say that word with your filthy mouth." A feminine voice spoke with a chilling fury,

"Lord Voldemort's homunculus has been defeated, and you're useless now in his further plans." The voice continued with an icy tone while looking down at Quirrell with his cold blue eyes.

"Useless!? Do you think I don't know your little betrayal? You killed that other troll, didn't you!?"

"Your plan coincides with my cover, little pest." An extremely chilling atmosphere surrounded the entire area, causing the frosty area on Quirrell's foot to widen.

", no, no, no! Tell him I could be of use; he can possess me again whenever! My body is his!" Quirrell yelled with a crazed look.

"Pathetic," the voice replied coldly, raising her hand above the air, and an ice spear appeared from thin air, aimed at Quirrell.



The spear made out of ice penetrated deep within Quirrell's chest, causing his entire body to be pinned across the wall with a huge glacial structure behind him. And that's how Quirinus Quirrell died. Impaled by the ice, his insides, frozen and as hard as stone, forever engraved in his feeble brain are the blue, cold-blooded eyes that killed him with an indifferent gaze.

Thud* Thud*

Inside the chamber, the sound of footsteps could be heard as Quirrell's murderer stood in front of her dead prey, her blue crystalized eyes fixed on Quirrell's hold. Slowly unclasping his hand, the little girl took the red stone inside from Quirrell's hand and observed it quietly. After a few seconds, a look of disappointment appeared on her ethereal white face, after all, the stone that Quirrell was holding wasn't real after all. A small crack was in it, which is supposed to be impossible.

'A legendary product of alchemy isn't so fragile. This can only mean one thing...' The little girl thought,

"Fake..." She muttered to herself as she hardened her grip on the fake stone, causing its small crack to widen.

Clink!* CLINK!* CRACK!*

The stone shattered in her grip, causing its shards to fall to the ground. She stared at the shards of stone with an apathetic and calculating gaze, then returned her gaze to the lifeless corpse of Quirinus Quirrell.

"...Useless." She muttered as she snapped her fingers, causing the ice construct to disintegrate and causing Quirrell's body to drop to the ground lifelessly. The said girl took something from her pocket, a ball similar to a baseball diameter that was situated in her palm. It had rune scribbles on it, signifying that the said object can do things that are magical in nature.

The girl tossed the ball toward Quirrell's body, causing the said body to be absorbed by the magical ball, thereby only leaving an empty and evidenceless area inside the chamber as if nothing had happened.

The girl took the ball and placed it in her pocket nonchalantly as she turned around and left the quiet chamber.


Forbidden Forest. True to its name, the Forbidden Forest is not a place for children, but, due to some circumstances, four children were currently asleep on the stony ground of the forest. Their surroundings are the result of the battle that took place, a battle that they miraculously survived. Centaurs can be seen marching through the area, some carrying a deceased and mangled body of their kind. All of them, including one half-giant, had fallen faces when suddenly, out of nowhere, a burst of flame appeared in the center, alerting the other centaurs and the half-giant.

Four people emerged from the blaze, giving the half-giant a familiar look in his eyes.

"Professor Dumbledore, SIR!" The half-giant cried out as he dashed towards the old man dressed in robes.

"Hagrid..." Dumbledore muttered as he looked around at the destruction around him.

"I'm... late," he continued, his gaze fixed on the children on the ground.

"Professor — Voldemort! He —" Hagrid said while panting.

Noticing the commotion, Harry, who was passed out due to exhaustion, woke up. Dumbledore, who noticed the sudden movements, wore a look of relief.

"Professor Dumbledore..." Harry muttered while rubbing his eyes as he sat up.

"Boy..." Dumbledore muttered as he marched towards Harry. He checked them off their injuries before checking the other children beside him who were still asleep.

"Professor... Voldemort... He —"Harry said while stuttering that he couldn't make sense of what he had just experienced, it was surreal, and never in his life had he thought of that was a massacre.

"Shhh... it's fine now, Harry. You are safe." Dumbledore interjected as he caressed Harry's back, trying to comfort him. Harry Potter cried his eyes out while laying his head on the old man's shoulder.

"DUMBLEDOREEE!" An enraged centaur shouted from behind.

"Professor? —" Harry confusedly asked, but before he could continue his question, a sudden force caused him to be drowsy as he slowly closed his eyes and entered a deep sleep.

Dumbledore, after using his magic to make Harry sleep, stood up with a grave look, his eyes full of guilt. He looked behind him and caught sight of an enraged centaur's fist aimed towards his cheek.


With a bang, Dumbledore hurled towards the tree, causing the tree to break in half.

"BANE! STOP!" Firenze shouted as he galloped his way towards Bane, intending to stop him from causing any more harm.

"WHERE WERE YOU!! MY KIND SLAUGHTERED FOR A HUMAN BOY!?" Bane shouted with reddened eyes, and Firenze was holding his shoulders quite tightly, stopping him from his tracks.

"Enough Bane! It's not his fault! Someone has changed the star's trajectory! Our divination, for the first time in millennia, has failed..." Firenze added a mournful look; deep within his eyes is a hint of agony before his fallen kind.

Dumbledore stood up with regret written on his face.

"My friend...I, I apolo —" Dumbledore muttered, but before he could finish, a circular orange spiral of energy appeared in the space between them, tearing it apart.

Once it was large enough for a person to go in, what came out of the other portal was a dozen people dressed in robes came out of it, the bald woman in the middle was the most noticeable among them, while the other portal let out a man in a priest's clothing and a woman dressed in a nun's clothing.

[]You can read 5-10 advanced chapters ahead on my P@treon/Noob_Writer[]