

his way to his parents' apartment he saw Viktor Redwood and Yuri Redwood were running next to each other and talking about something that Yuri could not understand.

Viktor noticed Yuri and shouted at him: "Look who finally came!"

"Hi, Yurio! Nice seeing you again!" Yuri greeted him happily.

"Hey, Yurio, I'm Viktor."

"Viktor, my mom will cook your favourite dish today, she always makes extra for me."

"Sure, thanks, Yurio."

"I'll bring it for you tonight at 6:30, I think you'll like her cooking, she's really good. She even taught me how to cook."

"Oh, you are Yuri Plisetsky, right? My dad talks a lot about you."

"My dad?" Yuri looked confused. His mom talked about Yuri a lot, but he always said she talked too much and nothing actually happened between them.

"Yes, he says you're the smartest student in our class, he also said you're the most passionate student he has ever seen in his entire life, but we don't believe that, he just likes to brag. But you are, you're definitely smarter than me. And I bet you are going to be the next generation of choreographers, right? Your father told me everything about you."

"Wow, what are you saying, Mr. Redwood?" Yuri asked in disbelief.

"He said that you're going to become the greatest choreographer this world has ever seen, he also said that you won't disappoint him, he loves you very much."

"Well, um, thank you, Mr. Redwood. I guess I am going to work hard and try my best."

"Of course you are! You are going to make us all proud. I'm sure of it!"

"Thank you very much for the compliment, sir." Yuri replied shyly

"No problem." Viktor smiled at Yuri. "Do you want to come inside my room and wait for mom while I finish writing these lyrics, Yurio?"

"Um, sure. I'll be back soon."

The two boys entered Viktor's bedroom and sat down on Viktor's bed.

"You know, Yura, I've been wanting to ask you something for a long time now."

"What is it?"

"Why did you want to be the next generation of dancers? Is it because you want to have the opportunity to perform?"

"I mean, I guess it can be part of it. We are all talented people, we should all learn how to dance so that we can perform professionally someday.