

He took a deep breath. He really needed to try harder to make friends. The sooner he learned how to deal with children, the happier he would be.

Yuri sat down and stared forward. He stared off at nothing in particular, just thinking about how different his future was now. He didn'ee have a job. He hadn't found a boyfriend yet. Yuri didn't have a single friend here, let alone one who likes him.

Yuri's mind was drifting all over the place as he thought about everything. He didn't even pay attention to the time passing by, until someone tapped him on the shoulder.

"Oh, sorry. Did I bother you?" Yuri asked sheepishly.

"No, you didn'eh." Another familiar voice said. "What are you looking at?"

Yuri turned around and saw Georgi smiling at him. Yuri smiled back.

"I'm just thinking about stuff, that's all."

"You're thinking too hard about it." Georgi said while sitting down next to him. "Just tell me if you're having problems or anything. Otherwise, you can't concentrate. If you're struggling with an assignment, we could always do a test together. Just think about it. I'm here to help you. No one can help you more than me."

Yuri looked at Georgi skeptically. He seemed like such a good guy, yet the only thing he seemed to know about school work was how to teach. What if he was actually just pretending to help Yuri?

It wouldn't be too unbelievable though.