Noctem Dolls Invasion

Raised In Dungeon Volume 3

Prince Francis's birthday was the second most festive after the first prince's birthday.

Its timely alignment with the Whitmoon Festival made it even more marvelous. This convergence drew crowds of well-wishers from all corners of the realm to the capital, eager to extend their congratulations.

The prince's birthday is divided into two events. A first event is a noble event that will be held on the first night of the prince's birthday. The second event is the prince's plunge in a horse-drawn carriage into the city. The prince will wave his hand to the people, and the people will throw flower petals at the prince while wishing him a happy birthday.

The unfortunate illness of King Henry heightened the grandeur of it all. This illness caused several nobles from countries far and wide to visit the ailing king. While there, they also used the opportunity to attend Prince Francis's birthday celebration.