I caught you

__To me, Sabine is my mentor, teacher, and caretaker.

I don't remember when I first met Sabine, but because I don't remember, I'm sure it was when I was very young. That's what I heard from my mother, Queen Ismenia.

Compared to my mother, I spent more time with Sabine. That's because mom was always busy. She said she was burdened with a lot of work from the palace, even though I don't know what she was actually did.

As a child, I desperately sought my mother's attention, desperate to gain some recognition for my efforts. I tried everything I could think of - I trained alone in a conspicuous manner, asked her to dress me, even attempted to kill wild pigs—but it seemed to no avail. No matter what I did, my mother never looked at me or gave me any kind of recognition. It was almost as if she didn't even see me, and everything I did was too ordinary compared to my older siblings.