The Untouchable Eliphas

The position of the black church was unknown to anyone. Everyone moved there through the Book of Legis in a particular place. Each of the high priests had a life and occupation as a human, disguised among the followers of angels.

"Conceal thy movements, for my adherents are scarce in number, but they possess the power to guide multitudes," was the first sentence of the Reverse Testament book. So although the Daemon Servus were few in number, they were all people of great influence in their respective countries.

One of the high priests was Father Joseph; his real name was unknown; he was one of the Ordo of Seven Devils, the Daemon Servus's High Priest. He had the height of an average adult, with slight wrinkles on his face. He was also the high priest who replaced the previous high priest, whom Birawa the Rounds had killed.