Agreement to Eliphas

"Aaaaaah!!! W-we have late!"

"Huh?! Don't suddenly yell! My head hurts!"

Amid a vast grassland, at the boundary between the Water and Fire regions, a brilliant moon illuminated the night sky, casting its gentle light upon the oasis pond nestled within the heart of the meadow. The moonlight created a mesmerizing reflection on the pond's still surface, a sight of exquisite beauty yet one marred by the grim horror unfolding in its proximity.

A blood clot was next to the horse-drawn carriage. The carriage looked like it belonged to a nobleman. What appeared to be a noble's carriage also doubled as a transport for soldiers, whose lives had been abruptly cut short. The nobleman's guards, now lifeless, lay strewn about the area, their lifeblood seeping into the earth.

In the pond were two members of the Noctem Dolls, Clarissa and Norman, who were clearly the cause of the catastrophe.