Reig's Skill

Silent Requiem was one of Percival's blessings, a skill that could render his opponent unconscious. Similar to a sleep spell, it would only work if the target was already weakened. That was why their plan from the start had been for the two of them to fight the Demon Lord until it was sufficiently weakened. At that moment, Percival would use Silent Requiem to knock it out. Once unconscious, he would finish the Demon Lord off and gain the experience points from it. Of course, things wouldn't always go so smoothly, and both of them were permitted to kill the Demon Lord outright if the opportunity arose.

"The right side of the chest," Lucilia said. She could sense the concentrated flow of demonic mana being absorbed in that area—marking it as the Orc Demon Lord's core.

Percival thrust his sword into the core.

"How is it?" Allen asked.

"Yes, I can feel it. Power is coursing through me," Percival replied.