Playful Night At The Pond’s Edge Part 2


Alice's hand moved down to where Vance's dick was pressed against Sally and wrapped her hand around it. She then looked at Vance, who was trying his best not to say a word, and giggled: "Vance, you said no one would come here? No monsters at all?"

Hearing his name called, Vance snapped out of his math equations. "Ah. Yes. No monsters will ever come here, and no one else will make it here at this time. But Alice, why are you…."

Alice winked at Vance as she grabbed both Vance's hand and Sally's and pulled them along. Sally was in a state of confusion and unsure how to react, while Vance was just trying to figure out what Alice had planned. The three were pulled ashore, and Alice took out a blanket and laid it out on the pond's shore. She then pulled her soaking wet nightgown off and, with Vance's underwear, tossed them to the side before turning and stripping the confused Sally of her nightgown.