Eternal Virgin Boy

"Hmmm?" Vance turned to see a familiar figure rushing towards him. "Isn't that, that kid who I killed for touching Sally?"

"I do believe so…." Alice nodded her head. Sally also nodded while frowning. 

"I see... So the lesson last time was not enough." Vance grinned brightly and drew his sword, and struck out. The tip of his blade penetrated the forehead of the player who was rushing at him. His eyes opened wide, and before he could even say a word, he disappeared into balls of light. "I wonder if he will learn this time…."

"Highly doubt it. But I feel we won't see him again until much later. You did say players could level up, right?" Alice asked.

"Yep. They are doing the same things we are. Let's go, our destination is far from here." Vance did not want to hang around too much in case he came upon more idiots. 
