Rare Drops Part 1

--AN) One more on the way!--

Both Sally and Alice shivered thinking about that scene. The thought of how the receptionist suddenly seemed to be controlled by something was truly frightening to them like what if they get controlled? "Can we please not talk about this?" Alice asked.

Vance looked over to see Alice's frightened expression and said: "While it might be creepy and even frightening, it is something we will probably run into a lot, so you both need to get used to it."

Alice frowned but still did not say anymore. She did not want to deal with those things anymore, but if she wanted to stay with Vance, she realized she would see it a lot. It was already very strange for her to have a system she could use to level up with. She could grow stronger over time, but it still scared her to think that some being might control her somehow. She could only think of it as some kind of being since she did not know what it was.