Boss Rushing

"I am not sure, to be honest." Vance had never thought about this because it was supposed to just be a monster, but what was the true form of a mimic? This was a question he really could not answer. 

"Maybe it is some kind of slime with a special ability to take on the form of whatever it has consumed?" Alice was just throwing any old idea she could think of out there. But in truth, there was no way of knowing just what a mimic was.

"Could be. It also could be some kind of parasite. Who knows." Vance sighed as he looked around the room once more and motioned for the girls to stay put. He used his sword to press on the bricks on the floor just in case there were any traps. When he got to the chest, he knelt down and opened it while holding his breath. Luckily this room did not seem like a double trap room. He looked inside the chest to see a set of armlets. They gave both strength and intelligence. 

[Superior Forged Iron Armlets.]

[Rarity: Uncommon]