Auction Part 2

"Excuse me! But this is not what I was told yesterday! Who the hell are you to tell us we have to leave!?" Alice was mad. She had brought Vance down here because she wanted him to be able to sell his potions for a good price not to be brushed off and shooed away by some big titted girl who didn't know how to do her job!

The girl's expression turned ugly as she looked up and stared at Alice while pointing her finger at her. "Look little girl, this is not some fun house! This is an auction house. Look at you both. You are both wearing cheap clothing. What good things could you be selling? This is a place of business and we do not sell rocks you found on the side of the road!"

"What!? How dare you speak to me like this!" Alice was fuming. She wanted to reach out and smash the stupid woman's head in. But luckily, Vance pulled her back.