Stage Prop

--AN) Been out of it for the past few days. This should be back to a chapter a day daily now.--

"Who the fuck are you!?" Prince Alexandra heard the voice from above and frowned. He did not know which nobility this was, but he felt like he was losing a lot of face at this time. "You dare threaten me!?"

"I don't just dare. I will hold true to them as well." Vance walked out of the room and stood at the top of the stairs. "For some prince from some other kingdom to come here and act like you own the place, you really do not know how to wipe your own ass. Normally I would not bother with idiots like you, but you had to go calling my wife names like that. So…." 

Vance jumped from the top of the staircase down to the floor below with his sword already drawn and against the prince's neck. "I can cut your head off here, and I can guarantee not a single person here will do anything about it."