The Curious Fairy Part 1

With the auction over and money in hand. Vance went with Master Jamason to the gambling den he owed money to and paid things off. Only when that was done did the group return to the hotel. Vance got Master Jamason his own room and gave him a few gold to play around with before returning to his room with the girls.

Vance was slightly tired. He knew the next few days would not be easy either as he stripped down to his underwear and laid down on the bed. Mina flew over and landed on his chest, and began patting it with her hand. "Master, why did you take your clothes off?"

"Because I plan to take a bath soon and am just tired," Vance replied as he looked at the little fairy, that now had her shirt pulled up over her head, exposing her small body. Vance chuckled as he asked: "Do you need help?"