
Arren's vision became blurred, and he was about to collapse; fortunately, his father immediately noticed and supported him.

"Son? What happened?" His father asked him, and with a little panic in his tone, he knew the Duke had asked him. And Arren wanted to answer, but he couldn't.

He massaged the space between his brows; he was still dizzy and felt as though his surroundings were spinning, and he imagined himself falling from a high place even though it was clear that he was standing firmly on the floor.

What was happening? He couldn't understand why he suddenly got dizzy. He was totally fine earlier. Was he hungry? Arren was certain that wasn't the reason, so perhaps anemia?

He shut his eyes and calmed himself so as to stop the dizziness. Arren was aware that Spade also discovered his condition; he got a new supporter holding him. The alpha's voice also resounded in his ears.