[6] Sodom and Gomorrah

The sun had now disappeared, bringing with it the humid chill of the evening.

Atticus and Bentley stood in the center of the bloody array. Around them, all of the various magical instruments, wardings and flags had been set up according to Lucy's directions. Lucy himself, as well as Xander and Hephzibah, all stood around the angelic pair at the center, making sure that they were an equal distance apart. Xander had his knives drawn, and Hephzibah was clutching her sleek, black short-bow. A spell this powerful had the potential to shake the Earthly realm to its core, so someone was definitely going to notice. Both were prepared to fight when that happened. Only Lucifer looked even the slightest bit relaxed, his hands clasped neatly behind his back as he watched Bentley and Atticus with interest.

"Are you ready?" She asked him

Smiling, Atticus shook his head.

"Me neither," Bentley beamed "So let's do this,"