As soon as the secret rally looked like it was drawing to a close, Atticus darted away from the doorway. Even though the revolution itself was widespread knowledge, the identities of the individuals involved were all kept underground —minus Lucifer, of course. How would all the revolutionaries react if they knew someone was spying on them? He didn't plan on sticking around to find out, instead finding a suitable side-hall to hide in until it was safe to start an argument with Ruth.
Once Ruth reemerged from that little closet door, Atticus immediately started following her again. The smile she wore while in the presence of Lucifer had all but dissolved the moment she stepped outside. As soon as she knew that there was nobody watching her, her whole expression turned darker than Atticus ever thought possible, and her unnaturally heavy movements resumed. Distressed and intrigued, he continued closely at her heels as she dodged through the halls of Heaven alone.