My First Time?

"Urgh...!” my head throbbed and ached. It seemed that I had too much to drink, even though I dislike it.

“Ah!” The afternoon rays caught my eyes once again. I took a moment to take a breath and refresh my thoughts.

Then I slowly opened my eyes to find myself in my private chambers on my mattress, naked, disgruntled and hungover from the previous night's feast. I took a glance around, and to my left, I saw a sleeping maiden lying naked on my left arm. I took another glance but to my right, this time and I saw another maiden lying naked sleeping on my right arm.

“What in the ass cheeks happened last night!” I suddenly thought as my eyes were glued to the Maximus Gluteus of the sleeping maidens that slept beside me.

I looked to the ceiling of my bed and softly uttered, "Damn..." while imagining how I had just lost my virginity just last night, at the age of 17 and to two dames at that.

It wasn't much of an achievement but I was kind of impressed with myself, actually, proud in fact. But I was a tad disappointed that I had not the slightest memory of last night's sexual experience.

Before I could surmise and conclude what had transpired last night...

"Huh... Isn't that...?" I thought as I blinked my eyes a few times and took another look towards my crotch, only to see that I had yet another maiden sleeping peacefully on my body, specifically on my abdomen.

That busty bosom, the tight ass cheeks, and the beautiful fair skin, I could never forget those impressive curves, the sleeping maiden in my abdomen was Penelope. “Gramercy!!" I exclaimed in thought.

Her soft, plump breasts pressed upon me as well as her naked bottom half which was unfortunately covered by the bed sheets. However, her curvy shape and lustful definitions were accentuated just enough by the silky sheets.

At that moment, last night's 'sexperience' began to recollect in my mind, the lust-filled night filled my mind with flashes and quick images of rigorous coitus.

I finally remembered everything that transpired last night, the way our naked body's rubbed, merged and rammed into one another, it was such an animalistic endeavour too.

One thing was clear as well, in between the ramming, bouncing and coitus with these three women, Penelope was the prime initiator. Which meant that it was her that must have been my first.

“But am I hers?” I thought to myself. I mean we were both of age but, I wouldn't be surprised if she'd had relations in her past. Granted, there was so little I truly knew about her.

Oh well! It didn't matter! I took some time to bask in my newfound accomplishment before I rose from the bed. I began preparing myself for the bright new day, well... At this point, it was already high noon.

Once I had my spectacles and my chamber robe on, I summoned my page, Paige, with a ring of a silver bell on my bedside drawer...

"Paige...! Paige!!” I called for him but it seemed as if he didn't hear me.

However, the chime of the bell woke the dames from their slumber, they awoke dizzy and weary, probably from the excessive number of alcohol they had consumed last night. They sat up with weary looks on their faces, the lingering stench of alcohol in their mouths, and their plump bosoms and bums exposed to my eyes.

It was a grand sight, witnessing three busty naked damsels emerge from the sheets of my mattress, amongst whom was Penelope.

Once Penelope had fully come to her senses, she acted out with an embarrassed look, covering her already exposed chest with one hand and her sexual bottom part with her other hand. Feeling flushed and ashamed she immediately took to wearing her garments that laid on the floor, "Ah...! Sire, I apologize for my misconduct. I was not in my right mind yesterday."

I chuckled and proceeded to tease her just a bit, "With the crazy moves you showed me last night, I believe you."

She blushed, "Well... I'll be taking my leave." Her face had turned from a fair white to a rosy pink, I think my teasing got to her. For some odd reason, it may have been a fetish of some kind but I felt compelled to tease her more.

"Ah, ah, ah...! Not without this, will you?" I said, holding up to her face a black striped undergarment I found on my mattress. It seemed to have belonged to her.

And it definitely was because she blushed once again and grabbed the undergarments with haste off my hands.

"I believe you'll take care of the others...?" I pointed towards the half-asleep dames still half naked on my mattress.

"O-Of course, sire." Penelope hurriedly threw to the other two dames' their maid uniforms and proceeded to guide them out of my chambers. And to think, that was the moment that I just found out that the other two damsels which I laid with, were both live-in maids of the manor, just like Penelope. It was a surprising turn of events.

Paige had just arrived to witness the three half-naked maids rush into their uniforms in an embarrassed and awkward state. With Paige on standby, waiting by the door so that the ladies could get decent, I ordered Penelope who was already done getting decent to take herself and the other maids out to freshen up, eat and be escorted back to their quarters.

“Yes, sire!” The three maids bowed to me at the same time before leaving my chambers, of course, fully clothed.

Once that was settled, I called Paige in. Once he arrived, he looked a bit uncomfortable and awkward, but he still kept a stoic expression. I had heard a few rumours about him being worked like a dog by the former lord of the manor. This may not have been his first time witnessing such.

Out of curiosity, I had to ask, "Tell me, Paige, is it?"

"Yes, your highness, my name is Paige, son of George The Butcher," he answered me. It's funny because, he had introduced himself to me before, but it must have slipped my mind, or it could have been the alcohol still rambling my brain a bit.

"I see... That sounds familiar..." I slurred and uttered my thoughts out loud. I guess was still a bit hungover from last night's drinking.

"Pardon, sire?"

“Nevermind... How long have you been working in this mansion?”

“As long as I can remember, sire.”

“Egad! That long!?” I was shocked, I mean it wasn't far-fetched for a commoner to work for a noble indefinitely but considering the workplace being the stables and armoury, every single day.

There's always a chance for them to get promoted or even move on to better work. After all, every worker must be paid for their work somehow in this kingdom, that is a law that the kingdom of Gladia enforces.

I stood before him, my arms were folded, and my gaze was stern, “The law clearly states in Gladian Law Chapter Three Subsection A: 'Every servant is legible to equal pay and promotion for their work and efforts, and no servant is to be treated or abused in the likes of a slave'. Isn't that right?”

Paige may have been taller than me even as I stood before him but he still refused to look me in the eye, slouching and facing down all the time with a smile on his face as he answered me, “I believe so, sire.”

It pissed me off.

“Then tell me, why is a twenty-something-year-old like yourself still working in the stables?” I sternly asked.

He hesitated, “W-Well-"

“Spit it out!" I insisted upon it.

Paige became even more uncomfortable than he already was, it was like his life was being threatened and his lips were sealed.

Upon noticing his demeanour, I decided to let the matter rest for now, "Oh, never mind... I'm sure you have your reasons.” Once I said all that, he comfortably let out a subtle sigh of relief.

Something else came to my mind, so I asked, “I was just thinking... Were you by any chance at the town when I had a duel with Sir Cassian?" I asked while inspecting the clueless Paige.

"Uhh... No, sire. I was at the manor throughout the day, sire! Tending to the stables and your armour, sire." Paige quickly and confidently stated.

"Hmm, I see... Very well, Paige?!"

"Yes, sire?"

"Fetch me the lord chamberlain right this minute, there is much to discuss."

"Yes, sire! Right away, sire!" he sprinted away to find and bring the lord chamberlain to me.

It took a few minutes, but Paige had summoned for me, Ferdinand Thomas, also titled 'Ferdinand The Meek' and the lord chamberlain of the manor I now reside in.

"You may leave now, Paige," I sent Paige away from my chambers, also ordering him to close my doors behind him. And he did so.

Now, it was just Lord Ferdinand and me in my private chambers.

I sat on my mattress, crossed my legs and began, "I hear that you were the former lord of this very manor and baron of this territory, am I right?"

"Yes, sire. It was I that ruled this estate and the people of Sterilia," he answered me.

“And now that rule falls to me, the new lord of Sterilia.”