Penelope was very perplexed by my statement, so she curiously questioned, “But how? Why? From what I'd heard about Will's Inn it wasn't going through any rough times since its establishment a year ago.”
I insensately stated, “For how? It's pretty simple actually, poisonous mushrooms and a lot was greed.”
“Poisonous mushrooms, sire? You don't mean to say that she... Fed her husband poisonous mushrooms, did you!?” Penelope said with a shocked expression.
I replied with a disagreeing gesture, “Oh no no no, that would be too obvious and people would have caught her somehow. No... She poisoned him much more discreetly, you could even say she did it under his nose. Hahaha...” I chuckled.
“Then... How?” she asked again with a tilt of her cute head.