Silver Knight, Blood Knight

Once I was done stating the plan with Crystal, she was ready to fly off on her way...

“I believe that you understand the plan, ghost?”

“Yes, boss. I've got to say, this might just be your sneakiest plan yet, Hoot...!” Crystal was ecstatic when she said that. She was about to fly off when I asked her...

“Ah, ah, ah! What about the other thing? I'm sure you must have heard about them already...”

She looked at me confused for a moment before she finally realized, “Oh! Of course, I almost forgot about that! Silly me, here you go, boss.” From deep beneath her wing, she took out a tiny folded piece of paper. Then she added, “I wanted to 'deal' with those dogs myself but I'd have to ask that you do it my stead, boss.”

I nodded, “I'll find a way.” I took the piece of paper from her and placed it into my vest pocket.

Her voice menacingly deepened when she replied to my answer, “No, boss. Really mess them up...! They should know not to mess with you as they did.”