Trapped, Trapped Like Rats

I reached for Sir Dustin's arm and yelled, "Run!" And we sped away from the area, speeding through a few corners.

Once we came to a stop at a dead end along a long path, we took a long moment to catch our breaths. I was on the hard floor, with my knees on the floor and my back to the wall. Sir Dustin was still standing tall, his excalibur still in his hand and his other hand on his waist.

We were now sweating, dehydrated, starving and exhausted from the long run. We made sure to run through five different corners and changed paths a few times to get to where we were.

While gasping for air, Sir Dustin questioned, "Do...Ha...! Do you think they'll appear again, I mean the lightmen, sire?"

"I...I couldn't say. But I think...Ha...! Ha...! I think we lost them for now. Right now, we need to recover what little strength we have left."

The moment we dropped our guards, a flash of blue light struck the unsuspecting Sir Dustin on the back and he fell to the floor.