Chapter 02; She is a vixen seducing men..

Nanny Wei and the chauffeur returned back to their workstation and began working as usual.

The entire mansion was eerily quiet as everyone was occupied.

After a long bumpy drive the truck finally arrived in Kashanon village and parked the truck along a paved road, they began shifting the girls to another empty truck that would cross the border and reach Country M.

After transferring the majority of the girls, it was Zhao Ting's turn, but when one of the men noticed she hadn't woken up and her eyes were still shut, he pressed his finger along her neck vein to feel her pulse, but nothing, she was like somebody already dead.

"Oh, damn this woman! She offered us spoilt goods, she will be dead meat once I return...! how the nerve of her" one of the men growled coldly.

" Okay, toss her out into the bushes where no one will notice her body, and continue transferring the other girls as quickly as possible before the sun rises." the leader commanded.

After transferring, the trucks moved and vacated that location, and moved in different directions, leaving Zhao Ting's unconscious body lying there in the bush along the roadside.

In the Capital, Zhao Kang went into his study room to receive some incoming calls, while Zhao Bao dealt with the company's stocks, attempting to stabilize them.

In the Village the following day, Shen Wei went to his farm the next morning to get some yams for breakfast but he was surprised to notice a teenage girl lying down in the thick bushes opposite the road; he couldn't see clearly, but he could see blurry images without a clear picture.

He knelt and picked her up, placing her on his lap and pressing his finger against her neck to check her pulse; she was alive, he confirmed lightly. He wheeled himself back to his hut where he placed her on his bed to attend to her.

He could tell she looked like a teenage girl from a prestigious family, her skin was so smooth and milky, her wavy hair cascaded like a waterfall, and she had a tiny frail physique, from the dress and shoes, he could tell she comes from a rich family, she didn't belong to the village.

He wheeled himself, took some herbs from the small storage drawer, and boiled them before trying to feed her, but her mouth was so tightly shut that no matter how hard he tried, the medicine just dripped down her lips.

He decided to feed her by mouth and was able to get two sips into her mouth; he will now wait to see if she will wake up. after a long wait, she didn't wake up so he went by doing his work.

In the Capital Zhao Bao was the first to awaken in Country M's capital city, followed by Zhao Kang, his sister, and finally his mother.

"Good morning my dear..." Wang Qing affectionately greeted her husband and son, pecking their cheeks lightly.

"Mom, good morning." Zhao Bao returned the greetings politely.

"Good morning, my lovely wife..." Zhao Kang smiled sweetly at his wife, pecked her cheeks back, and sat beside him for breakfast.

"Good day, Daddy, Mommy, and brother."

Zhao Ming greeted them sweetly, lovingly pecking their cheeks.

"Good morning, my beautiful daughter."

Zhao Kang returned her sweet greeting; this was his lovely daughter, whom he adored.

"Good day, sis." How was your night?" He inquired gazing at her warmly.

"Was good, thank you brother," she responded as she took a seat beside him.

"How are the shares, son?" Zhao Kang who had begun eating his breakfast inquired while gazing at him.

"They are stabilizing, but we only have stockholder issues who want to sell their shares." Zhao Bao politely responded while serving his sister some bread.

"All right, prepare a press conference; only that will save us from this mess; we must completely clean this mess up." Zhao Kang said.

"Okay, Dad.." He ate his breakfast and went down to the parking lot and boarded his car to drive himself to the Zhao Corporation.

"Daddy, Mommy, I'm also going to school. Good day, " She rushed towards the direction Zhao Bao took, after lightly pecking their cheeks.

"Hey, brother! Please give me a ride to school." Zhao Ming scurried to his car requesting.

Zhao Bao nodded his head and Zhao Ming hurriedly boarded his car, driving her to High Hill Senior Secondary School, where she was in her third year of Senior high.

When they arrived at the school gate, Zhao Ming kissed her brother on the cheek, alighted, and rushed towards the school gate while waving her hand goodbye.

Zhao Bao waved back before driving his car into the city center, where the Zhao Corporation was located.

When Zhao Ming walked to the school compound, she was greeted warmly by the friends who claimed to be Zhao Ting's friends.

"How did things go?" Did you manage to get rid of her forever?" Su Xie asked softly, their arms interlocked.

"Of course, she was sent to the village, and I won't see her for quite some time." Zhao Ming responded coldly, her eyes filled with venom.

"How come no one noticed that scheme?" Zhan Nuannan inquired, concerned.

"Hahaha... how could they? The evidence was all there, and it was all pointing to her." Zhao Ming retorted coldly as her eyes burned with determination.

" Congratulations" Zhan Nuannan praised her as she smiled at her sweetly.

Okay, let's go to class, we'll talk later, bye-bye." Zhao Ming spoke out, excusing herself and she rushed into class A, a top Senior Class in year three class.

"Good morning, Feng," she greeted him as she occupied the seat next to Hong Feng.

Her eyes shone brightly with infatuation as she glanced at him.

"How come I haven't seen Ting Ting today?" he wondered, the first thought that came to mind after seeing Zhao Ming.

"Didn't you see the magazines yesterday, where her naked pictures were plastered everywhere?" Zhu Xie, a classmate, spoke up, and everyone burst out laughing.

"At such a young age, she is a wild vixen; she already knows how to seduce a man; she was discovered naked sleeping with a man." Another classmate, Zhei Zhan, spoke up sarcastically.

" It's impossible...! That's not possible...! She would never have done that, did you frame her?" Hong Feng squeezed Zhao Ming's collar, shaking her.

"Oh my goodness! You are terrifying our school's beauty bell. Why does she feel the need to plot against her twin sister?" Zhei Zhan charged forward and shoved Hong Feng aside.

Hong Feng stumbled backward and landed on his back on the desk "Have you not seen the magazines? Don't hold Ming responsible for her sister's misbehavior." Zhu Xie stepped forward to assist the pale and terrified Zhao Ming.

"That is not true...! That's not possible.! and I will no longer be in class A," he said, picking up his back bag and all the books, he went to the Administration block.

"If you don't believe me, go find her in Kashanon village...!" Zhei Zhan yelled at Hong Feng as he walked away. Hong Feng stumbled steps back.

Hong Feng paled; he had always admired Zhao Ting, but how could he have missed this news? 'I'm sorry I am late, Ting Ting.' He entered the principal's office and didn't see him, so he sat down to wait.