Chapter 44; You don't need to cry....

When the rain stopped, it was already in the wee hours of the afternoon, she went to the backyard and began planting the herbs she got from the forest and adding some little power and magic into it, she finished planting and dug out some sweet potatoes.

She washed them and her muddy legs before she walked back inside the hut, now the shoes she had worn coming to the village were already torn out because of mud and rain, she stepped down washed them, and placed them near the fireplace to dry.

Zhao Ting went forward to check if he was dry, seeing all is good, she let him rest as she sat at the fireplace to keep warm.

In the Capital after spending time at his office, Zhao Bao went back to his Villa to rest, he didn't want to go home as he felt extremely uncomfortable around there; since he was exhausted, he freshened up and slept since he had late lunch.