Chapter 61; Don't you dare use that tone on me!

She appeared like a half-cast with dazzling blue eyes, but when she saw the kind of intimacy they had, she understood, this was his childhood friend, and she lost all little bit of hope she had.

Shen Wei and the girl walked over, the girl let go and Shen Wei moved forward closer and approached her when he saw she was looking pale, "Zhao Ting, are you alright? Are you feeling unwell?" He inquired worriedly when he scrutinized her.

Zhao Ting's eyes watered as the tears threatened to fall, she turned her face and gazed upstairs while giving them her back.

She didn't want anyone to see her frailty and being so vulnerable, nor did she want to receive any charitable looks.

"Am fine, I didn't know we have a guest." She softly responded and calmed her emotions.

"Oooh meet Ling Shu, my childhood friend, Ling Shu this is Zhao Ting." He gently introduced them.