Chapter 119; Boy Love content; If you don't take a shower...

Zhao Bao suddenly hugged Hong Feng tightly, "Ah Ling, I hope you understand my intentions, all I do is for you."

"It's okay, I won't be coming back here, here is the key." He pried his hands and placed the spare key on his palm and hurriedly walked out of the bedroom.

He didn't want to break down in front of him, he didn't want to look so pathetic and inferior in front of him.

Zhao Bao tightened his grip on the key and felt empty, this wasn't the outcome that he craved. He didn't want to lose him even though he was skeptical about his feelings toward him.

He rushed out of the bedroom towards the living room, "Ah Feng, wait.. all right, I will try to be accommodating, we will give each other a chance and try to date..." He knew it was doomed but he was the only close person he had, be it Family or friends.

"Really? You would?" Hong Feng halted and turned around as his red eyes sparkled surprised.