Chapter 152; Please don't... Please don't...

"What do you mean it's fine..?" Hong Rong was infuriated, how can this be as simple as he puts it? How can he be so nonchalant about his own health?

"Hong Rong, you are in my house... I was the one who wanted to come home, what's the problem here? Don't overstep your boundary!" He coldly reprimanded him, how dare he blame Hong Feng who hasn't done anything wrong.

He was the stubborn one, he was the one who didn't want to go to the hospital.

" You are not welcome here, whatever brought you over isn't achievable, good night gentlemen... " Hong Feng dismissed them before even hearing what they had to offer. He had lost all his reasoning and wasn't in any mood

" You haven't heard our offers, Hong Feng? What if..." Luo ZeXian spoke out trying to calm down the tense atmosphere but it didn't seem like they will come to an understanding.

"It doesn't matter, so please..." He stood up and with his arms open, he showed them the direction of the door, sending them off.