Fujishima's Maiden 21: Watch Maiden Carefully


Fujishima’s Estate: Sawako’s house

After late lunch

Sally watched Mikage excuse herself since she was already finished with her food. She knew that Mikage was having mixed feelings about what her mother just told her and she would love to help her with it.

“Mikage.” Hiroshi called out to her daughter but did not hear as the retreating back of Mikage was long gone already.

“I will explain to her why you choose that time for her.” Sally sigh before offering a helping hand to explain to Mikage why Sawako said that.

“Thanks, Sal.” Sawako smiled gladly that Sally was with them at that moment or else, they might end up shouting at each other.

Sally went after Mikage and even though she doesn’t know where did she go, she just followed where her guts were leading her. She just let her feet take her where her mate was until she stopped in her tracks when she saw Mikage at the very back of their house. There was a small shrine that was big enough for two people to get inside and there she saw Mikage sitting beside it.

“You do know that she has a reason for telling those times for your meditation, right?” Sally was being careful not to upset her as she joined her sitting on the grassy ground.

“Actually, I don’t about the training but care to elaborate on that part.” Mikage was totally flat when she said that to Sally who was not taken aback by hearing that irritation from her. She could sense that Mikage might be stubborn or even short temper in some way but there’s always guaranteed that she’ll do everything to get things done. In taking that sense in consideration, Sally likes her.

“You’re mother’s daughter and she knew that it was the best time for you to meditate between those times that she selected for you. Your mother can easily meditate in those hours especially around midnight to three, that’s when most of the monsters come out to play strongly.” Sally explained what she knew about those times that Sawako mentioned.

“Meaning?” Mikage was still lost in understanding what does it mean.

“As I said earlier, in those hours from ten to three in the middle of the night when the monsters strongly play, you should meditate on it. Your mother knew that you can deal with different types of monsters that only can be sensed during those times. Meaning, those are the monster that was severely and extremely dangerous for any shrine maiden.” Sally started explaining to her and Mikage sighed.

“She really wanted me dead.” she sarcastically said but deep inside she knew what Sally was telling her.

“Instead of wanting you dead, she wanted you to surpass her because in those moments; in those times she only managed to tame two or five monsters. She knew that you can tell the differences among the strong auras in the middle of the night. By doing that, you will know who were the tamable monsters than to not. You can easily tell and when you do, you can easily tell the different gates that you have to open just to activate your advanced skill.” Sally started explaining to make it clear to Mikage’s understanding.

“To be honest, Sawako did not get them right in one try. She has to keep meditating over and over again until she managed to tame some of those monsters.” she added that making Mikage sigh and Sally could tell that something was already burning within her. Mikage’s motivated.

“Do you think that I can do that? I mean, I just graduated from being a trainee shrine maiden and now I am going to do another training.” Mikage sighed heavily since she thought that she was already graduated but it seems not.

“Well, there’s no definite graduation for a shrine maiden with blessed gifts and I believe that you can deal with it.” Sally looked afar and Mikage just stared at her as if she was trying to read her all of the sudden.

“How can you say so? We just met and yet, I know that I could trust you more than just a mate bond. Tell me, Sally, what are we?” Mikage suddenly speak out what was in her mind and Sally was caught off guard by it. But she was composed and no expression can be seen on her face.

“Don’t know either. But what I know, I will be here beside you as long as you let me.” Sally honestly answered only what she could tell her at the moment and Mikage nodded.

“Then better to stick with me since I am not sure if I could pull this training.” Mikage smiled as she leaned her head over Sally’s shoulder to relax her mood.

“Oh, you will just have patience and faith that you will. Focus on training because after that you’ll be with me.” Sally encouraged her even though she was not showing it to her face but Mikage can feel them - she was sure of it.

Then Sally thought of showing something to Mikage since they were already alone. She took the opportunity to spread her left palm open wide before showing the swirling power coming out from it. Mikage noticed that something was coming out from Sally’s palm. She even started to feel the air around them begin to move. It was moving around and it started to take form over Sally’s palm, she stared at it. Sally noticed the curiosity and the fascination that Mikage was feeling as she stared at what she was doing. She began making some swirling motion over her free fingertips on her right hand to make some adjustments to what she was forming over her palm.

“When you managed to master the basic meditation and open the gates, you can do this. You just have to have a clear vision like what you did with Soul when you teleport. But be clear about every detail about it because if not, you will affect everything around you.” Sally explained and the air that was swirling around her began to have a form white tornado. But it turned dark when Sally tried to not be clear about creating it and it began affecting their surrounding which made Mikage pull her arm closer to her chest. Mikage felt frightened.

“You have to be precise about what form you want to shape on it or the strength of its powers because it can hurt anyone around it.” Sally taught Mikage as the tornado on her palm went back into its calmness and its color when back to being white.

“Learn the basics and whenever you going to try it out, try it first on the small things, and whenever you feel that you can take it to another level, then go for it. Test yourself just to see if you’re improving already.” Sally kept telling her own advice and Mikage nodded in understanding.

“Watch me carefully, Sally.” Mikage smiled at her and Sally just nodded before she placed an assuring kiss over Mikage’s temple.

Both Sally and Mikage were shocked at what just she just did there but none of them tried to say something about it. They just let it be and just enjoyed the moment there yet, Sally noticed that Mikage was being like a tomato again.

“You easily blush.” Sally flatly commented when she noticed how red the cheeks of Mikage were.

“Don’t mind me. It was just because you’re with me.” Mikage pouted as she snuggled more into Sally’s arms.

“Oh, then let me tell you how cute you can be.” Sally teased but it was not reaching her face that Mikage sighed but smiled.

“Gosh, next time try to tell me with your real expression and not blank.” Mikage pointed out but Sally just shrugged her shoulders.

“On second thought, show it only to me and not to others.” Mikage added as she changed her mind which internally, Sally was already laughing at it. But it was still not showing on her face.

“Sounds like possessive.” Sally simply smiled.

“I am.” Mikage firmly admitted that made Sally feel warm and her simple smile became soft and genuine. Mikage saw it and started blushing again.

The silence was taking over around them not until Sally sensed something was brewing again around the Fujishima’s estate. Mikage noticed the sudden stiffness around Sally and the grip around her shoulder. Sally was trying to analyze what she was feeling around the entire perimeter of the estate until it landed at the shrine itself.

“You need to be safe.” Sally noticed that the beast was too much for any shrine maiden and that only she or Sawako will deal with it.

“Sally, I’m a shrine maiden.” Mikage reminded Sally who looked doubtful for a moment there. But the more they had to stare contest, Sally sighed.

“But can you deal with a tentacle beast that your siblings dealing with at your family shrine?” Sally asked since it will be difficult to deal with because based on what she could sense around that area, it was indeed a tentacled beast - an octopus.

“Tentacles? You mean, Octie?” Mikage wanted to make sure since Sally mentioned tentacles.

“Octie?” Sally wondered as they both went to where it was coming from.

“I named it when I was a kid.” Mikage nodded which made Sally feel proud because her mate managed to tame a beast at her young age.

“Okay, you’ll be coming with me. It seems like they disturbed its home.” Sally grabbed Mikage into her arms and carried her like a bride before dashing to where the ruckus was happening.