Fujishima’s Maiden 29: Second Gate: Mizu


Sawako’s Household: Gaden

Carefully watching Mikage drink her water, Sally started to notice something flowing around Mikage already. It was very calm yet it could be deadly when it was being wronged. Sally found herself smirking from what she was seeing around the aura of her maiden.

'You really found a great mate, Serene.’

“Indeed that I do.” Sally was smirking when she heard the voice from a very familiar yet distant voice from another high-ranking beast commenting on how blessed she was with Mikage.

“Sally, what does the Kuuki realm have? I mean, aside from its power of the air, what else it can do?” Mikage curiously asked which made Sally to chuckled.

“What air can do, Mikage?” Sally simply returned the question to Mikage.

“Why you?!” Mikage glared at her but she was smiling. She already could think of how she could the air but she need something to clarify it.