Fujishima’s Maiden 51: Maiden's Rare Skill: Tormenting Dream


Seeing that reaction, something in Mikage began to click which Sally and Sawako were the only ones who could hear. Mikage didn’t like what some maiden would do to their familiar just to obey them. What she didn’t like about it was that it was coming from their family’s teaching.

“Remember him now?” Mikage’s tone was totally different from the usual - it might be the same to the others but to those who really knew Mikage, it was totally different. She’s partially pissed and cold.

“N-no. I-I don’t know him.” the young maiden stuttered as she denied the monster she tortured.

“But it seems to me that he knew you based on his reaction upon seeing you.” Mikage pointed out as she started deeply into the maiden’s energy flow. It was wavering whenever she glanced over the monster behind Sawako.

“Are you accusing me of hurting a monster like him?” the maiden sarcastically asked as if she did nothing wrong.