Magical Imperfection 13: Like the Old Times

Yuko was not saying anything but her focus was on the man across her desk. She glared coldly at him causing Reyna to check what was making her beloved mad. Reyna checked on the man in the office and he was a dark magician.

“Trying to manipulate dark power from her.” Reyna could see dark power from the dark magician man who was trying to get into Yuko’s power. But Yuko was always one step ahead of her opponent.

“I’m not. Just intrigue on how come she did not fall.” The man tauntly smirked at Yuko but she just rolled her eyes and went back on doing her work. She just let Reyna handle the matter since it was her job - to deal with some ruckus around the school premises.

“Oh, she did. I’ve witnessed everything.” Reyna stood in front of the desk and leaned over it while her arms were crossed and watching the man before her.