Magical Imperfection 16: As a Tamer

Busy day as always around their school premises, Yuko does her usual workload inside her office and rarely gets out whenever she is needed around. But to Reyna, it was very different, she was hanging out around the students who were asking for some input on how to handle things around their projects and assignments. Other than that, she just roamed around to make sure things around the school moved freely and smoothly. But it was not always the case.

“WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!” Yuko exclaimed from her silence when she heard a very loud explosion from the Spell and Potion building.

She quickly used her dark sight to see what lay in that building only to see a monster come out from a failed spell and potion. It was twice the size of any monster somewhere in the woods but not big enough to be a beast-like monsters. Yuko released a heavy sigh when she saw that and she got up from her seat before making herself transport to that class.