Magical Imperfection 24: A Brief Untold Part of Story

“Maybe or maybe not. Your bond is a very unpredictable one. No one could put a label on it but once you confirm it, it will mark your lives.” Reyna clearly answered as she studied their simple gesture of support and assurance. They trusted each other and nobody could hinder them.

“Then we better not label it till the highest heavens told us so.” Ayame assuringly said making MIR agree with a nod.

“Very much said, Ayame. So, what do you say MIR?” their mentor smiled before MIR heard a direct question that she needed to answer.

“Well, I already can’t leave without Ayame’s presence in my life. We’ve been through a lot when we’re young…so, this might strengthen us more.” MIR stared at Ayame as she said those words and Ayame smiled which she only showed to her. Reyna shook her head and decided to proceed to what they were really after.