Magical Imperfection 26: Deep Connection

Thinking about their first meeting and the ring that MIR just touched from her fingertips, Ayame was being taken to a place where a figure of a lady sitting beneath a cherry blossom tree. She knew already who it was but didn’t utter a word.

“Can I have a seat here?” Ayame asked the lady who really looked like MIR.

“Oh, you…sure…” MIR smiled as she looked over her.

“Waiting for me?” she wondered as she took a seat beside her. MIR chuckled sweetly.

“Always. How did you find me here?” she answered before wondering.

“My dragon-phoenix thought me and here I am.” Ayame pointed to her dragon phoenix that was resting peacefully not far from where they were. MIR nodded while smiling.

“Ayame…will you hate me if I confessed that I have feelings for you - I mean, romantic feelings?” MIR carefully asked causing Ayame’s heart to throb a bit hard.