Magical Imperfection 37: Headmistress's Considering Plan

As the couple started to get wary of their surrounding, Reyna was still in the shadow yet guarded as she watched her wife, Yuko handle the sudden situation they'd just come across. She even took the liberty to notify their friends of the sudden disturbance lurking near their school's premises.

"Nicole, Mikage, can you hear me?" Reyna privately mind-linked their two friends while still guarded around Yuko's stance.

'Oh, you mind-linked us. What's the problem?'

"Three rogues and they were on the bridge of falling but Yuko was dealing with them now." She informed them.

'Don't worry, they won't get any closer to the school premises since it was not yet, harvesting time.'

'Just be prepared that outside the school, there will be their appearance everywhere.'