Magical Imperfection 49: The Unnamed Malice

After a tiring day of training, Reyna was right in her prediction, Ayame and Yuko were starving to the point they both almost choked on the food that was prepared for them.

"Easy you two. Everything is made for you." MIR chuckled as she reminded them about eating calmly.

"Sorry, dealing with Ayame was more tiring than dealing with Reyna," Yuko admitted without ill intention.

"Should I feel hurt about that, Babe?" Reyna teased and Yuko stopped eating before giving her an empty look.

"No need..." she could not finish her words when her eyes turned pitch black.

"Need my blood?" her wife changed her question and Yuko's eyes went darker as her aura started to turn dark as well.

"Very much." She faintly answered as if she was losing her breath when Reyna got up from her seat and took her into her arms.

"Save something for us. I just going to feed her curse side with my blood." Reyna smiled as she reminded their successors to keep some portion for them to eat later.