Magical Imperfection 59: The Harvesting Time

Battle on Ayame’s side went on but on MIR’s side, Reyna had to step in before she got hurt from the other fallen creature managed to slip away from Ayame. Even though she doesn’t have her familiar or tamed beast with her anymore, Reyna still manages to showcase who she was before she achieved who she was once.

“Don’t underestimate me.” Reyna’s mischievous smirk showed up and Yuko knew well what it meant.

Reyna quickly moved around from another angle around the open field to another after dealing with the fallen rogues surrounding them. She was planting something causing Sally to activate her magatama around the land and begin distracting the fallen rogues heading their way. Reyna smirked with the help of her friend and made sure to move like a wind to settle what she had had in her mind.

“Babe, can you add something to my traps?” Reyna asked through their mate link.

‘Sure, what do you want it to be?’