Maiden’s Linkage 26: Maiden’s Lone Adventure

“Alright, they were the successors of Quinton and Ibarra couple and they were managing a school which I think they planned on reviving. They were harmless but they could be your worst enemy if you wronged them.” She finally answered her daughter’s question.

“Reviving…” she muttered in confusion.

“That’s all I could tell you about them. You have to meet them in person to know exactly how you can help them. But Suzaku, promise me don’t ever use her temper. Control yourself and be wise when you get there because the malice there was all tricky.” Sally told her and warned her at the same time since it was the place where all fallen rogues suddenly existed.

“Thanks, Mom.” She thanked her mother by hugging her tightly.

“You’re welcome.” Sally returned her hugged kissed her daughter’s head again.