Maiden’s Linkage 29: Energies Need Channeling part 2

As Suzaku went into her meditation, she began to feel enormous power residing on her bracelet. It was cursing pain as if she was burning but bearable one. Yet, it was giving her body a hard time to adjust as her chest began to tighten and her breathing was getting uneven.

“Damn, that’s harder than I thought would be,” Suzaku commented to herself due to the pain that was spreading throughout her body but she had to get through it.

She cleared her mind as she ignored the building pain all over her body. She kept herself focused and made sure to finish what she had to do. She gathered all of her flame energy into one point and started creating a very strong void that would contain it.

‘This is…’

‘We’ve chosen a right maiden.’


‘Are you happy, Maiden Rikuto?’

‘You put a curse on me from doing something like this since I’m not destined to be a medium and it was my mistake yet I’m not regretting creating a realm for the phoenix spirit.’