Enchanting Fortress 07: Maiden’s Creation

“Okay, but how does it work for our case?” MIR still wondered.

“You had a great plan MIR but you for how to protect them. So, I’m thinking since you want to build a school, why not let the school also be the refuge house or the evacuation that’s why the Pillars were needed.” She answered making MIR and Ayame think about it carefully.

“If we turned it like that, we need to make the perimeter twice or maybe trice bigger than it used to be,” MIR said the downside of it but Suzaku already knew it.

“Then let’s make it happen. Use your diplomat skills to make some officials agree to the idea and we’ll make it real before the time runs out.” She told MIR what she needed to do since they were knowledgeable when it came to the matter of what their land and people needed.

“And if they don’t agree with it?” Ayame wondered.